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Warrior Training Territory

The path from Just Beyond the Horizon turns dark, the stench of dried blood invading the nostrils of those that dare approach this cursed area. The trees bend their crippled branches away from this place, reaching out but seemingly exiled from the utopian society that is JBTH. But there will always be corruption in utopia and, well, this place is it. As you exit from the forest's protection, the realization hits you of just how vast the training area is. Carved from mother nature's most dominating creation, the mountain, a deep gully is provided. Stark and parched from drought, the ground is dry and cracked but firm - perfect for battle. Little is green here, next to no vegetation... except for the few daring cactii that raise their prickly arms in vain. Whatever pain they can inflict is minimal in comparison of what is to come.

Let's get ready to rumble.

Battle Rules

  • Definately, absolutely, positively no powerplaying!! Mega, Mega points off for powerplaying. Don't know what that is exactly? Check this guide out: JBTH's RPG guide.
  • Fights will be judged by the current trainers of the harem. There are varying degrees of rank you can receive. Eventually, we hope to have an elite group of battling equines at JBTH.
  • No OOC comments, if someone is powerplaying, please post it politely on the ooc board, or else discreetly inside your message. -NO- ooc whining please! It's just plain annoying.
  • Minimal amounts of swearing please!
  • Keep your posts descriptive and clear - and make sure you read your opponents post properly!! And please, no two or three line posts - keep them long or not at all.
  • The whole idea of this place is to train you.. so if you're not an expert right away that's ok!! We want you to try though... but don't worry if are no good at battling to start with!
  • Have fun!
Current Trainers

Lead Stallion: Decanto
Lead Mare: TBD
Beta: TBD
Gamma: TBD
Delta: TBD

Just Beyond the Horizon

Subject Author Date
[Top Rated] Windows Server 2008 32 Bit Os Activation Crack Software-addsmonjames01:32:52 01/27/14 Mon
: heathen :Ziggy Stardust21:19:29 08/24/02 Sat
.. Thine battle grounds admist ..Terrato21:26:49 08/08/02 Thu
hey bon jovi fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!radome3223:30:16 07/30/02 Tue
*future warrior enters*Top Gun22:33:45 07/17/02 Wed
>>>Cassie13:53:39 07/09/02 Tue
I'll be gone from the 27th-30th for a 3-day event.. wish me luck, see you all soon!!July19:11:17 06/26/02 Wed
^..Untimely Return..^July18:44:28 05/30/02 Thu
Scrutinized gaze to a degree of scornReflected Desires20:44:21 06/20/02 Thu
*scrambles in*Chivato's playa21:51:13 06/12/02 Wed
I'd like to do anything I can to protect the horses whom live hereKismet11:49:41 06/08/02 Sat
[.winner.] Decanto13:37:53 06/07/02 Fri
(will be gone!).Cassie/The Twins.11:08:37 06/01/02 Sat
[.good.]Decanto16:10:56 05/28/02 Tue
¤ Lets begin again ¤Chasing the Night Away10:37:07 05/31/02 Fri
<+> Better Late Than Never <+><+>The Sun's Ransom<+>Midnight Sun<+>11:09:24 05/29/02 Wed
~!~watches the others with intrest~!~~!~Sub-Zero~!~13:53:42 05/28/02 Tue
[.we will rock you.]Decanto14:14:03 05/27/02 Mon
x.sneak through darkness.xx.Chivato.x14:10:43 05/27/02 Mon

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