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Subject: [.winner.]

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Date Posted: 14:37:53 06/07/02 Fri

The raven brute surveys the goings on with a watchful eye, the hawked vision of any good referee, of any good judge. The last attack of Chivato had not yet been fought, but after an extended absense of the she-beast, he calls the match to an end.

To the both of you,
I extend my congratulations.
You both fought well.


  1. Offense: 4/5
  2. Defense: 2/5
  3. Quality: 3/5
  4. Overall Impression: 3/5

Total: 12/20
The posts are short and could do to be a little longer. However, your attacks are clear and well fought out. But it seems that you forgot one important thing in all your posts - and that is defense! Always remember your defense. Had this been a death match, or a proper match, Krymsyn could have attacked your jugular, and Chivato would be bye-bye. But overall, well-fought, you were deducted because you didn't post your last post.. but that may not be your fault. LMK, k?


  1. Offense: 4/5
  2. Defense: 5/5
  3. Quality: 4/5
  4. Overall Impression: 4/5

Total: 17/20
Excellent battle, you did very well! The posts got shorter toward the end, but that was expected. The mix of offensive and defensive moves is close to perfect - I'm very impressed! There is very little to say about that battle, but a few things maybe for future notice. Try to play on words... it helps a lot in the creativity and length of the posts, as well as the overall interest. That is another category that I was going to add to judge, but decided against is creativity. It helps a lot. But your attacks are very good, and well balanced. Good job!

Krymsyn wins this battle.

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Subject Author Date
(woah, font is small.. sorry about that) (NT)Decanto14:39:52 06/07/02 Fri
[: Smirk :][: Krymsyn :]16:56:57 06/07/02 Fri

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