Subject: [.we will rock you.] |
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Date Posted: 15:14:03 05/27/02 Mon
The mammoth ebon steed ingresses once more upon the familiar barren terrain, hooves pounding upont he dry soil. Yes, surprising though it may seem, this giant had stayed here at Just Beyond the Horizon before. Once before, during the time of the warlocks. Indeed, he was a traitor from the other side, but always loyal to Just Beyond the Horizon. But now, his mortal return was for the same reason - to train and prepare warriors for battle. Yet still, his purpose was the same, and yet different. He was here for good this time - to create an elite group of horses to defend and protect and almost reign over JBTH. A few qualities would be mandatory among these elite horses - strong battle skills, a healthy mind and body, reliable activity within the group. But this would not come naturally, no. Much hard, grueling and painful work would have to be exerted by those who truly wanted a position. And perhaps soon it would start.
The area was deserted as his diamond nadirs left their half-moon imprints on the dusty surface. Soon, perhaps, there would be other equines here, testing themselves, but for now -- there were none. He was the sole figure standing in the middle of the arena, proud cranium held high. This would be the place where legends were born, where warriors would thrive. The raven titan reared, pawing the air with great talons, claiming the place as the Warrior Training Herd and meeting place of the Elitist group. With shrill vocals he called those daring enough, brave enough, willing enough to enter the arena. After a few days or perhaps a week of training, a tournament would begin. Now was the time to sign up, to put your name down... and to get some battle training in before the tournament. Are you brave enough to join these ranks?
Let the battle's begin!
(ooc - sign up for the tournament here, and once i get a few contestants I'll outline how it will work and give you guys some clearer details. The winner will join the elite herd. This will be one of the few tournaments of its kind - there won't be many, so sign up quick!! Also, if you want battle-training, post a message in character about it and you'll either battle Decanto or else battle someone else here and he will judge it. NE questions at all: AIM: tagwen6 , MSN: )
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