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Subject: Scrutinized gaze to a degree of scorn

Reflected Desires
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Date Posted: 21:44:21 06/20/02 Thu

Examination of life from the darkness soon ceased. Vermilion flesh massaged thouroughly with a crisp caress. Savage skull hoisted to the skies,continuation of the piercing stare as warmth escapes flared nostrils. Whip of maroon cascades over hindquarters after a gentle swing over a pair of flanks. A pivot to the side, only to scrutinize light which dare linger upon velvet hide. Dial soon submerged within blades of mixed greens, only to have them shiver with the release of yet another exhale.
Respect to the shadows, as they accept her presence within the sanction. Skull soon raised, tendrils of ruby meander over silken frame, soon caught in a gentle furry.
Sharp orbs seeming able to pierce both flesh and bone, perhaps seep within the very depths of ones soul. A quivering nostril soon followed by a jaded exhale. A brisk interrogation of the terrain beyond the divine darkness followed by a frivolous oscillate of savage dial.
A solitary soul of lustrous epidermis, and build of ecellance.

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