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Date Posted: 22:52:05 05/28/02 Tue
Author: Sasha Christianson
Subject: ~*Approaching*~

~*Her slender form slowly walks alongside the guard, deep, dark violet eyes cast down to the black flooring. She sighs heavily, how the hell did she become like this? Any feelings of self worth she had, had plummited down to nothing. Her light blonde hair drops slightly in her eyes, causing the handsome guard to smirk. Her eyes flash to him and she tugs her form away from him a little, "Fuck you." The male quickly tugs back, clearing his throat a little, "I'm gonna let that go, because you're new."
She shrugs carelessly, "Do whatever you want." Why did she care what some dumb-ass on a power trip wanted to do.
At that he motions to a cell, then leans down and unlocks the silver handcuffs, "Here it is..."

Name: Sasha Christianson
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Personality, past, and time: Slightly cold hearted at times, a spitfire definately :p Her Mother gave her and her two brothers and two sisters to a friend... (father unknown)... The friend killed her baby sister and older brother, and her and her remaining sister and brother went to live at different foster homes. Lost contact with brother and hasn't seen him since. Accidently killed a guy out of self defence.. here for approx. 4 years.

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