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Date Posted: 04:25:30 02/05/18 Mon
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Good advices for natural cures, fitness, slimming, sex pleasure and mental health

On these sites you can find a lot of good advices for combatting common health problems, to improve strength flexibility condition, to have good sex and masturbation, for slimming, for mental fitness, and to improve body shape and beauty:







Dildos and Vibrators For sexual Stimulation - How to Use Them

By Knut Holt



Dildos are long and smooth objects suited for gentle insertion into the vagina or the anus in order to stimulate oneself or the partner sexually.

They are to be found in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are made to resemble a penis and others are shaped in a practical way for general stimulation or for stimulation of specific points like the G-spot or the prostate. They can be made stiff, elastic or flaccid.

A vibrator is any vibrating device made for sexual stimulation. Often a dildo with an electric vibrating machinery inside is just called a vibrator.

Whatever your specific use, you should choose a dildo made of strong material, it should not have any sharp angles, it should be smooth and the parts of the device should be assembled together tightly and solidly. A flaccid dildo should not be too flaccid so that it curles up inside you. A simple and solid dildo is often better than many of the fancily shaped dildos you can get in the market.

If you are unfamiliar with use of dildos, it is best to choose a thin one as a beginners device. When you have more experience, you can gradually begin using thicker sizes. When doing so, you will often experience that the thick dildos do not necessarily give stronger feelings, but rather other kind of feelings, and therefore you will still have use for your thin dildos.

When using the dildo, either the dildo or your intimate opening should be lubricated with a good lubricant. Dildos made of latex or other elastic materials should be lubricated with a water-based lubricant since oils can destroy the material in these. Dildos made of plastic, metal or glassy materials are best lubricated with an oily lubricant.

A dildo used in the anus should never be used in the vulva or vagina afterwards without being washed well, since the female organs are sensitive to bacteria.

When using the dildo, set the tip against your opening and press gently so that it glides smoothly inside. Then you gradually insert it steadily deeper until it has come to the deepest point you want to have it. To increase the stimulation you can also insert it stepwise, by pushing it some way in, then pulling it a little less outwards again many times.

When deep inside, the most basic way of stimulating yourself is to repeatedly pulling it some way out and pressing it in again towards the deepest areas. Do so gently at first but gradually intensify your actions until your feelings reach a peak. Then relax some time and begin doing the same again.

If the dildo have capabilities of vibration, those can be used to add further pleasure. Screw up the strength of the vibration gradually until you find the strength that pleases you must. It is often very pleasant to just lay still some time with a gently vibrating dildo inside yourself and just feel the stimulation from the dildo.

You can also set the tip of the dildo against specific points. A woman having it in her vagina can point it upwards at the vaginal wall to stimulate the G-spot by massaging movements. A man having it in his anus can do the same against his prostate or just at the backside of his prostate. Both sexes have some very sensitive areas in the deep parts of the anus. Those areas actually give the greatest feelings by means of a very gentle massage and tickling with the dildo tip.

A couple can use a dildo as an element in the foreplay. You can begin by teasing up your partner with a gentle teasing and massage outside the intimate opening of your lover with the dildo. Then gently tease your lover further up by taking the dildo in and out several times, and eventually take it down to the deepest level s of your lovers inside and masturbate your lover internally at a deep level.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, please see his web-site:


Crop Circles - What ARE They and What Causes Them?

By Knut Holt



Crop circles are regular geometrical patterns that can occur in crop fields or grasslands. Within the patterns the plants are laid down in specific directions. The plants will often be sharply bent or halfway broken at a specific point near the ground. At this point the stalk can look more or less exploded or scorched as by heat.

The patterns typically consist of circles, rings, bows or other rounded elements laid out in a symmetrical manner and often connected with each other. The whole pattern can be small or large, 5-50 meter in diameter, and sometimes very complicated. Since they first gained broad public attention, they have grown in complexity, and each year seems to have its own fashion regarding geometrical pattern. They are usually produced during the night. They are seen all over the World, but the south of United Kingdom seems to show the highest frequency of this phenomenon.

Many of them have been revealed as hoaxes made by groups of people walking coordinated in the fields with planks under their feet, but not all of them can easily be explained this way.

Whatever causes them, there always seems to have been some force rotating or sweeping in a specific direction and thereby breaking and pressing the plants down. Sometimes people have seen light balls hovering over a place where crop circles have been found afterwards. Sometimes local stormy weather with swirling winds and heavy rain have occurred at the time of formation. Crop circles also tend to form at areas with underground waterways. Here are some possible explanations apart from the obvious hoaxes already mentioned:

Under certain physical conditions, a swirling wind may become stable and then spawn secondary swirls in a regular geometrical pattern, which again can spawn tertiary swirls so that you get a fractal structure of vortexes in the air with interconnections. At the bottom of these vortexes, the plants will be pressed down by the rotating air. Such swirls will also tend to contain electrical gradients that cause discharges, so that they can be seen as lightballs. Such discharges can possibly also cause internal explosions and scorching at specific points in the stalks of the plants.

Temperature gradients or gradients of electric charge from the soil up to some altitude in the air can possibly provide the energy for such swirls. If the energy in the gradient is released smoothly, air will be set in regular circular motion. Small sidewinds from such a vortex will trigger energy to be released in nearby places so that daughter swirls are created.

Another mechanism of formation can occur if the temperature at a spot in the ground is very different from that in the air and surrounding areas. Air will be heated or cooled over that spot. This will cause a wind up from this spot or down towards the spot and air to blow along the ground towards or from that spot. Such winds will always cause the air to swirl at the central point and regularly spaced vortexes in the area around.

Then you have the possibility that the circles are hoaxed, but with sophisticated technology, for example by drones that one lets fly over the fields, or by robotic ground vehicles set down by a drone. The drone or vehicle will move along in a specific preprogrammed geometrical pattern and press the plants down. If the drones used are of the vertical take off and landing type, they will blow air downwards and press the plants down this way. Drones can of course also carry specifically designed tools that force the plants to bow down and lie.

Some private persons or clubs with a solid budget could carry out this activity just for fun or because they get economical gain from visiting spectators or from selling books and films, and farmers may get paid for allowing crop circles to be made in their fields. But you also have the possibility that certain governmental, military or research organizations secretly make crops circles for various purposes.

One purpose of such organizations can be a large scale psychological and cultural experiment. Another purpose can be to create a certain structure in the psychology and culture of people that makes people more easy to lead and manipulate.

A purpose can also be to turn the attention of especially curious individuals away from certain governmental activities over to something that will occupy their curiosity more or less permanently and lead it astray.

Probably the crop circles were originally only a natural phenomenon that local people kept wondering about without a broader public being aware of them. But eventually a broader international public got interested in the phenomenon and speculations that these could be caused by extraterrestrials with important messages for us began to occur.

At this point, individuals, clubs and governmental institutions got the idea that they could secretly make their own crop circles in order to use the public attention for own purpose and gain. By now we probably have a situation where several instances of various kind compete with steadily more sophisticated technology about making steadily more spectacular crop circles, and with embedded messages with steadily stronger psychological effects. Those doing this may operate lonely, but have a mutual gain from the activity of other crop circle makers. And of course the natural phenomenon still occurs.

As already mentioned, many believe that extraterrestrial beings produce the phenomenon in order to signal their presence and leave certain important messages to be interpreted by humans. This explanation may not be impossible. But there is very little within the phenomenon that cannot be explained as natural processes or as the result of human activity with varying degree of technical sophistication, from the quite simple to state of the art drone technology.

Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on technical and scientific items. He is also interested in health and fitness and in the investigation of strange phenomena. Please go to this web-site to read more about several scientific subjects, and to find smart products in the categories health and fitness, RC models and hobby, electronics, car equipment, and jewelry.



The Zika Virus and Associated Epidemics - How Serious Is Really the Situation?

By Knut Holt



The Zika virus causes a disease that gives fever, rashes, joint pain, malaise, voimiting and red inflamed eyes. Usually the disease does not last more than a week and most often the symptoms are mild.

In rare cases, however, the disease is complicated by a reaction called Guillan-Barre syndrome. This syndrome give muscle weakness, that can progress to paralysis, that even can affect the breathing function. The syndrome can last several weeks or months, and sometimes some of its effects get permanent. In severe cases this syndrome makes it necessary with artificial ventilation and other type of life support for a longer time.

The syndrome is caused by an autoimmune reaction against the nervous system, because the immune defense in some cases mistakes elements of own body for elements of the virus.

If a pregnant woman gets the disease, also the foster can get infected through the placenta, which may cause birth defects. One suspects the virus for causing microcephaly, where the child has an abnormally small head and brain, mental handicaps and risk for early death, but the connection is not surely proven.

One suspects the connection because Brazil had only 147 reported cases of this defect in 2014, while 2400 in 2015, after the spread of the virus, and because many of the mothers reported symptoms of the disease in the early part of the pregnancy. But the Zika virus has been found in only very few of the children.

The virus belongs to the same family as those causing dengue, West Nile disease and chikungunya. It is spread by stings from the mosquito Aedes egypti, and possibly related mosquitoes. It does probably not spread directly between humans, but one cannot exclude totally a spread by blood and semen contact. The incubation time between the mosquito sting and the first symptoms vary from 3 to 12 days, but most infected persons do not get any symptoms.

Since the symptoms of the virus are fairly unspecific, a sure diagnose must be done by probing blood samples for the presence of Zika DNA by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

The virus was detected in Africa several decades ago. As by early 2016 the virus and the associated disease has spread over most of Latin America, and it has begun invading the USA, and there has been sporadic cases in Europa and Asian countries. The epidemic in Asia and America seems to be caused by another subtype of the virus than that endemic in Africa. This epidemic has made the World Health organization declare international emergency. But based on the usually mild nature of the disease, this move, however, is likely to be an overreaction produced by some degree of mass hysteria.

There are reports in media about the disease steadily getting more serious as it is spreading, but this impression can also be the result of the mass publicity the most serious cases are subjected to.

There is no real treatment against the disease, except medications for relief of pain and fever, and life support when serious complications occur. Patients affected by the disease are advised to rest a lot and drink enough water. By 2016 there is still not any vaccine, but efforts to make a vaccine is under way.

The best prevention for the disease, is to hinder stings from mosquitos. This can be done by mosquito traps in the house, bednets to hold mosquitoes away, and grating at windows to hinder mosquitoes from entering. When one goes outside in areas where the mosquitoes are frequent one can cover the body by clothes and use fragrances of a kind that repulse the insects. If there are dams in the environment where the mosquitoes are breeding, those can be drained. If one has a garden dam or swimming pool one can hinder mosquitoes from breeding by frequent change of water or by sterilizing it with an appropriate measures. If it is possible one can avoid traveling in areas with a high frequency of cases.

To apply any measure possible in order to hinder mosquito stings and thereby infection from this or other diseases that are contagious by mosquito stings can however be both impractical and uncomfortable, and they can make the environment very boring for people living at a place. Also measures to poison larvae can possibly cause irritation, allergic reactions or cancers in humans and animals. One must therefore calculate how far it is wise to go with such measures, and not let a mass hysteria lead to a battery of countermeasures that do more harm than good. It seems to be most important for pregnant women to avoid being infected.

Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there is a lot information useful to improve health and fitness, including slimming and exercise advices. You can also find presentation of products to combat common health issues, to improve fitness and to improve sexual potency and satisfaction.


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