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Date Posted: 16:49:14 06/20/02 Thu
Author: Angel Corr
Subject: New

Hair color - black
eyes - baby violet
weight - 200
height - 6'2
muscular, very built
sex - male

He went to school with this kid, The kid stole his girlfriend and married her, then one night the kid was coming out of his office, he was a big business person, he started in his car, then he drove away from his office. Then he noticed someone following him without their headlights on, and it was storming. And he noticed he came to a stop sign, and he notices his breaks weren't working. The guy behind him kept getting closer and closer. He took off his seatbelt, opened the car door and jumped out and started running. Angel was the guy in the car. Angel caught up to him and he had a gun and gloves on. He shot him thirteen times, four in the head and the rest in his chest. Then at the end Angel says "This is for ruining my life, you fucking bastard." And all the names in the book. Then he drug him into his car and drove his car off a cliff. Angel wasn't in the car. The next day the cops were investagating the crime and went over to Angel's house and arrested him right then and there and took him to prison.

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