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Date Posted: 10:03:48 09/12/02 Thu
Author: Stephanie (email privately)

Hello, I competed in pageants for over 10 years in the state of Mississippi. I won many titles such as Teen Mississippi Hemisphere among many others. I competed in Miss Mississippi Teen USA placing among the top 5 and competed in the Miss America system on a local level for several years (always won talent and placed 1st alt.).<p> I became a professional singer at age 17 and traveled to South Asia where I sang in a huge televised concert for the prime minister (compliments of the Miss Hemisphere system).<p> I was on the All New Dating Game (years ago) and was actually picked by the bachelor on the show(fun!).<p> I auditioned and made it to Star Search and also sang at Monday Night at the Fights at the Great Western Forum in Southern California (televised on ESPN). I also toured with the Hollywood Bob Hope USO Tour for 3 years.<p> I started competing in pageants when I was 12 and stopped when I was almost 21. I have many years of experience in all facets of pageantry.<p> I am now a mother of three where my children are signed with three agencies out of NY and PA. They are regular models for THE BON TON and Hecht's in the sales catalogs. Also, my son has done a regional commercial and is signed with the private agent Linda Townsend for 5 years.<p> My daughter has been competing since she was 11 months old and she is now 18 months old. She is really doing good.<p> I would love to get involved in judging again and have judged in the past. I also used to coach little girls in talent (vocal)and helped to produce some winners.<p>

If you have any pageants that are coming to the MD, VA, PA & NJ area please keep me in mind. I am willing to travel if my expenses are paid.

Please email me privately and I will give you my telephone number. I reside in the Frederick, Maryland area.

Thank you!</b></i>

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