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Date Posted: 15:33:06 03/10/18 Sat
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Learn about sexually stimulating herbs, anal sex and masturbation and much more exciting

Further down you can find information about anal sex and masturbation, about that monsense fairytales of Carl Johan Calleman, treatment of children and teens in intensive care units, about smart masturbation, about dildos amd vibrators, with good advices against acne


Learn about herbs to make sexual potency, ecstasy and pleasure for mwn and women and see smart sex products to enlarge and fortify erections, female functions, pleasure and orgasms





Advices and products that can enlarge the penis and help straighten out a twisted and bent penis, as by Peyronie's disease.


Smart masturbation techniques for all the sensual parts you have on and inside yourself




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Carl Johan Calleman - A deep State Deceptionist

You may have heard about a certain Carl Johan Calleman. His overt mision is to bring people into the belief of fairytales based on an interpretation of the Mayan calender.

Briefely spoken his fairlytale handles about the universe going through several creation cycles of sportitual character, each one more rapid than the other, and now the whole universe, including the Earth and its peoples, is in the last one bringing everything to perfection.

The man is educationally a toxicologist and cancer specialist, and he has a working backgriund un the United Nation system, espcially the World Health Organization where he worked within fields.

But neither pollution, nor Cancer seems to be any more of his concern. The latest years he has been engaged in a massive propaganda mission, which has the effect of making people accept the global deep state dictatorsjip being buit up, and accept all the surveillance, censorhop, control, abuse and manipulation from the deep state upon the individuls on Earth.

Perhaps he plays this role without understanding this himself, but most probably he is directly employed and paid by the deep state.

Hes main working tool is his fairytale about the inevgitable spiritual development of Earth and the Whole Univers directed by a higher soiritual realm that we all have to accept.

Like many thought systems of similar kind, it has the effect of making people look away from the real problems of the world, and from the deep state feudal dictatorship being gradually built up, and from the physical and mental manipulation we all are subjected to.

Like similar fairytales his version has the effect of trapping the believers into a rigid moralistic pattern of feelings, thinking, bahavior and self-censorgsip that favours the goal of the deep state.

This self-censorship allows little than can give pleasure, joy and real physical and spiritual growth, and allows no protest against abuse from the deep state dictatorship.

His fairytales also directly lulls people into accepting the things happening around them at a global scale as something planned by the higher spiritual realms, which is equivalent to lulling people into accepting the steadily thighter control, surveillance, deceptions and manipulations done by the deep state.

And to people that still recogizes what is happening around them and with them as something abusive, he has the message that this is really something good in the long run that we shall accept, and he uses his fairytale as a false proof.

The man connects his fairytales with a firm stance in favour of the global dictatorship under development, but tend to tag the dictatorshop as global democracy guided by a well-being higher spirotual realm. At the same time he tags movements of protest against the global dictatorship as movements in favour of dictatorship.

He even directly support the surveillance, sensorship and manipulations by the global deep state network as something good directed by these higher well-being sporitual realms.

Typically he also tags as liars everybody that regnizes the global conspirations and warns about the consporations.

The man is certainly earning gross money from his books and cources, but that was certainly not the case when he begun this mission. Somebody must have sponsered him heavily in the beginning, which also point to a deep state connection.

Politically he is firmly planted on the side of the Clintons and the establishment they are a part of, and depicts the election of Donald Trump as an anti-democratic event. Donald Trump is not any ideal precident, but the man is heavily biased in the favour of the other part that has a heavy lagacy of anti-democratic manipulations.

The man is certainly intelligent. He has a high eductation, and he has connections in the international network of power ans science. Such persons does not usually believe in that kind of fairlytales, which also point to him being a deep state deceptionist.

He is of Swedish origin. Sweden, together with Norway is two countries heavily used by the international deep state netowork and the UN system as tools for their objectives.

Knut Holt


Management of children in Intensive Care Units

A patient which is seriously ill, has gone through surgery or have hadexaminations under general anestesia will usually stay in an intensive care unit where administration of drugs are exactly controlled, where all body fuctions are monitored, and where body functions are aided in various ways. The stay can vary from a few hours to days or weeks.

How many of the surveillance and control mechanisms desribed in the wollowing that will be used on each patient, depends upon how seriously ill the patient is and what type of treatment the patient is subjected to.

The arrangements used on children and teens in an ICU are mostly the same as those of adults, but one tend to surveil and control the bodily functions of children and teens more totally than those of adults. The result of this is that kids usually are more totallly put out of consciousness and one tend to use more surveillamce and control of body functions in each case than in adults.

In the following is a descriptions of the arrangements on, in and around the patient during the stay in the intensive care unit.


The patient will lay in a bed with extensive posibilities for positions. Most often he will be shifting laying with streight legs on his back and on his sides with legs flexed for stability. But in special cases his legs is raised in various ways or flexed and placed in stirrups. The child will be totally uncloded, but usually be covered by a blanket.

The patient will often have stockings on him to keep his legs warm and to hinder loss of heat from his body. Sometimes he will have inflatable cuffs around his legs that are continually pumped up and deflated to aid the flow of blood and lynph in his legs and lower body parts up towards the heart. This arrangement is mostly used for very sick patients and patients that stay long in the unit.


The patient will always have one of more IV tubes or intervenous tubes going into veins, usually in arm or leg. This tube alwys deliver pain killing medication and nearly always medication that makes the child relaxed and sleepy. But the de degree of sleepyness one aims at varies:

- The patient can be made just calm and drowsy, which is called conscious sedation. He can be made unscscious, but not deeper than he can be awaked by stimulation.

- He can be made incoscious to a degree that he cannot be waked, which is called induced coma. In this case he usually also gets medication so that all muscles are paralyzed, and this is combined with artificial breething.

The patient will have electodes at his chest and lower body, typically his upper tighs, to measure heart rate and the electric activity in his heart. Wrapped around an arm or a leg there wil also be a cuff to measure blood pressure. This will be pumped up at regular intervals for the measurment which can be automatic or manual. Sometimes the patient will have electrodes at his hea to monitor brain activity and wakedness. These are used to ensure the anesthesia has the right level and to ensure the working status of the brain.

The patient will always have a sond with a probe installed into him to monitor temperature. This will usually go in through his anus. But occationally other tubes installed into the patient will also have an integrated probe to record temperature, for example the urinary catheter.


A patient in an intesive care unit always has a tube called foley catheter going itto his bladder to drain urine and monitor urin output. In boys this will usually enter through the urethral opening a'in his penis, and in girls through the urethral opening between her inner genital lips, just over her vaginal opening. But sometimes it enters directly through a hole made in the lower stomach area.

The catheter often also has other functions. It can contain an electronic sensor to measure body theperature. It is also used to measure in the stomach area of the patient, by means of a pressure monitor one connect to the catheter when this shall be done. It can be connected to a machine that flushes the bloadder width fluid containing medicines, or pumps up the bladder periodically for treatment purposes.

Boys in the preteen period and during puberty need special care in their urinary system during stay for more that a few hours in an intensive car unit, because they tend to get erections and secret prostate fluid. Usually the penis will be arranged to be pointing upwards towards the navel, and the catheter and penis held in that position with a belt round his lower body. Thus the penis can glide up and down around the catheter.


The patient will usually get carbohyrdats and minerals through an intravenous tube. With stays in the PICU up to a few days, this will be all. It is possible to supply all nutrients intravenously, but it is expensive and it is not good for the digestive system to be left idle a long time. For longer stays nutrients will be provided into the stomach.

A slightly sedated patient will usually manage to eat normally or feed fluid nutrition normally through the mouth. Heavely sedated patients will get a tube into the stomach for feeding. This is usually passed through the nose, from there through the esophagus and into the stomach, and it will usually stay permanently and through it fluid nutrients will be fed.


When a patient enters an intesive care unit, he has typically underwent a process of making his digestive system void of food andstool, and he will typically get intravenous, so there will typically be little on a daily base that has to come out. But depending on the state of the didgestive system, there will still be secretion of slime, possibly bleeding and possibly seepings from sores, so there will always be something that have to be managed if the stay in the unit takes some time.

If the patient is fed through a gastric tube or eats by himself, there will also be stool that must be managed. If the patient is only slightly sedated he can usually pass stool or secretions in the normal way to a bedpan. Otherwise some kind of flushing must be used.

One way of doing so is to insert a tube through his anus and flush his colon at regular intervals.

Sometimes the patient wil have a tube that enters the anus and go some way up in the rectum or colon permanently installed, and through wich fluid is pumped in and out at regular intervals and thereby one washes out secretions or stool. This happens if the colon has to be kept constantly clean and empty for treatment purposes or to reduce pressure in the stomach region or if other metods create pain.


When the patient is only slightly sedated and the respiratory organs are in order, one generally lets the patient breath by itself, but will often have got a tube with two ends that are brought in through each of his nositrils that provide oxygen.

A heavy sadated patient or a patient brought into the kind of general anesthesia called induced coma will get medicines through an IV that paralyzes all the muscles, including the breathing apparatus, and will get artificial breathing by a machine.

The artificial breathing is provided with a tube down the throut and past the vocal cords, called an endotracheal tube.

Information About The Managing an Arrangements on Children and Teens Placed in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit PICU

Intensive care units are used steadily more in the western countries to care for children and teens that are seriously sick, have gone through surgery or have had examinations under anesthesia.

Having a patient for observation in an intensive care unit some time to monitor all body functions for diagnosis is also beginning to be common.

But doctors and nurses explain very poorly to the patients themselves and to the parents what they really will do with the patient during this stay. Here are everything explained:



Advanced masturbation Tips for Men and Women

By Knut Holt



Masturbation can be much more than just a method of getting a quick orgasm. It can be a long lasting and intensely pleasurable experience, if you do it the right way. You can have a great masturbation experience alone, together with your wife or together with a friend. You can also mutually masturbate each other. Here are some tips you can use to get as high an experience as possible.

- Set apart some good time for your masturbation. Also do it in a warm and comfortable place. Tune the light in the room to a relaxing and pleasurable level, but do not let it be totally dark.

- Sit down in a relaxed manner some minutes to stress down. Listen to some relaxing music or look at some erotic pictures. A cup of coffee or tea at this point can help you stress down and at the same time help arouse your sexual excitement.

- Then gently take off all your clothes one by one in the same relaxed mood. Begin taking off your shirt, then your pants, then your undershirt, and at last strip yourself completely naked by pulling off your underpants.

- Then lay or sit down completely naked in a relaxed position. You can also choose to sit down at first in a chair, and later on during your masturbation you can lay yourself comfortably down on the bed or some other good place.

- Begin your masturbation by caressing several of your sensual body parts, like your breast and breast nipples, the area under your shoulders, your stomach area, your buttocks and your thighs. Then gently approach your more intimate zones with caressing movements.

- Then begin caressing and stimulating your genitals or your rectal zones. Spread opens your closed areas to get to the most intimate points in your body by your fingers. But still do it all in a relaxed manner without the aim of reaching the orgasm.

-You will by now feel an intense pleasure in your intimate zones that radiate up into your stomach, down into your thighs and up along your spinal column.

- Take from time to time your hands away from your intimate zones to caress other body parts. When doing so you can also stretch out your body in several ways. By stretching your limbs and at the same time caressing your body, you stimulate a lot of erotic points around in your body that add to the intensity and deepness of your total experience.

- Eventually the time has come to stimulate your intimate points more strongly. Now intensely masturbate your most sensual points so that you nearly reach the orgasm. Just before the orgasm is about to occur, you stop the stimulation and relax completely some moments. You can repeat this action many times. With some training you can even stimulate yourself so that you get a little orgasm that do not take away your arousal.

- By now you may have reached a mental and physical sexual ecstasy of an incredible intensity that comprises your whole body and mind.

- Eventually the time has come to complete the experience with a big orgasm. Just stimulate your sexual organs strongly and continually until you reach your full climax.

- But after your climax you will still experience a wonderful thing. Even though you feel completely satisfied and relaxed, you still feel that intense sexual ecstasy in your intimate zones, the rest of your body and your mind, and you can lay for a long time completely relaxed and enjoy these wonderful feelings.

- After laying some time in that relaxed mode, you may however sometimes experience the rise of a new full arousal and feel the urge to masturbate for a new total climax. Then do so. After a second or a third full climax you will feel an even still deeper satisfaction. You will probably also feel very tired, but in a very good way.

Knut Holt is an internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. TO FIND health information, products to increase sexual pleasure and natural medicines against many common diseases, PLEASE VISIT:---


--- There are advices and products against men's and women's problems, UTI, yeast infection, over-weight, cold, flu, allergies, acne, edema, hypothyroidism, depression, hemorrhoids, heart and circulatory problems, digestive ailments, rheumatism and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt

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Dildos and Vibrators For sexual Stimulation - How to Use Them

By Knut Holt



Dildos are long and smooth objects suited for gentle insertion into the vagina or the anus in order to stimulate oneself or the partner sexually.

They are to be found in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are made to resemble a penis and others are shaped in a practical way for general stimulation or for stimulation of specific points like the G-spot or the prostate. They can be made stiff, elastic or flaccid.

A vibrator is any vibrating device made for sexual stimulation. Often a dildo with an electric vibrating machinery inside is just called a vibrator.

Whatever your specific use, you should choose a dildo made of strong material, it should not have any sharp angles, it should be smooth and the parts of the device should be assembled together tightly and solidly. A flaccid dildo should not be too flaccid so that it curles up inside you. A simple and solid dildo is often better than many of the fancily shaped dildos you can get in the market.

If you are unfamiliar with use of dildos, it is best to choose a thin one as a beginners device. When you have more experience, you can gradually begin using thicker sizes. When doing so, you will often experience that the thick dildos do not necessarily give stronger feelings, but rather other kind of feelings, and therefore you will still have use for your thin dildos.

When using the dildo, either the dildo or your intimate opening should be lubricated with a good lubricant. Dildos made of latex or other elastic materials should be lubricated with a water-based lubricant since oils can destroy the material in these. Dildos made of plastic, metal or glassy materials are best lubricated with an oily lubricant.

A dildo used in the anus should never be used in the vulva or vagina afterwards without being washed well, since the female organs are sensitive to bacteria.

When using the dildo, set the tip against your opening and press gently so that it glides smoothly inside. Then you gradually insert it steadily deeper until it has come to the deepest point you want to have it. To increase the stimulation you can also insert it stepwise, by pushing it some way in, then pulling it a little less outwards again many times.

When deep inside, the most basic way of stimulating yourself is to repeatedly pulling it some way out and pressing it in again towards the deepest areas. Do so gently at first but gradually intensify your actions until your feelings reach a peak. Then relax some time and begin doing the same again.

If the dildo have capabilities of vibration, those can be used to add further pleasure. Screw up the strength of the vibration gradually until you find the strength that pleases you must. It is often very pleasant to just lay still some time with a gently vibrating dildo inside yourself and just feel the stimulation from the dildo.

You can also set the tip of the dildo against specific points. A woman having it in her vagina can point it upwards at the vaginal wall to stimulate the G-spot by massaging movements. A man having it in his anus can do the same against his prostate or just at the backside of his prostate. Both sexes have some very sensitive areas in the deep parts of the anus. Those areas actually give the greatest feelings by means of a very gentle massage and tickling with the dildo tip.

A couple can use a dildo as an element in the foreplay. You can begin by teasing up your partner with a gentle teasing and massage outside the intimate opening of your lover with the dildo. Then gently tease your lover further up by taking the dildo in and out several times, and eventually take it down to the deepest level s of your lovers inside and masturbate your lover internally at a deep level.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. To find health information, items to improve erotic life and natural drugs, please see his web-site:



About Acne - What Can You Do to Cure or Alleviate Acne?

By Knut Holt


Acne gives the combination of symptoms like greasy skin, white heads, black heads, pimples, inflammation and scar formation. Acne mostly affects young people in the age 14 - 25, but also sometimes older persons, like women in their menopause. Most teenagers experience outburst of acne, some only little, but for others acne may develop into a serious skin ailment with great cosmetic impact.


To understand the acne process, some knowledge about skin anatomy and physiology is essential:

The skin has there layers: The outer layer called epidermis consists of epithelial cells. Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue. At the bottom there is a layer called the hypodermis consisting mostly of fat cells.

The skin has narrow pores extending from the surface down to the top of the sub-dermis, called hair follicles. A hair extend from a growth zone in the bottom of each hair follicle and out at the skin surface. Around the hair in the dermis, there are small glands called sebaceous glands. These glands produce a fatty substance, sebum, which empty through the follicle opening and lubricates the hair and the skin.


Acne starts by the glands in the hair follicles increasing their sebum production. This will in the beginning only cause greasy skin. Eventually the sebum in the entrance of the follicles mixes with dead epithelial cells. This mix reacts chemically to forms hard props, comedones that close the pore entrances. According to the color of the comedones, they are called blackheads or white heads.

Then the closed hair follicle gets filled with sebum and swell. The swollen follicle then gets infected by bacteria. The bacteria and the accumulated sebum cause the follicle and the surrounding skin to get inflamed, forming a pimple. At last the inflamed follicle burst and empties its content. Eventually the affected area heals. Sometimes the inflammation reaches deep into the skin surrounding the follicle and destroys skin tissue. This will cause more or less distinct scars that may reside permanently. Typically an affected person will have follicles in all these stages of the process at any given time.


The increased hormone production in the puberty stimulate to increased sebum production. The male hormone, testosterone, seem to contribute most. Also girls begin to produce more testosterone in the puberty. Also in other periods, altered hormone production may give acne, for example by women in the menopause.

Since not all teens get acne in any degree, the increased hormone level cannot be the whole cause of the increased sebum production. The follicles of affected persons must for some reason react stronger upon the higher hormone level.

Dietary factors, like eating too much fat, too much sugar or the wrong kind of fat may aggravate acne by some individuals. Lack of vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids may also contribute to development of acne.

Poor digestion, lazy colon and constipation aggravate acne in some individuals, probably due to productions of toxins in the intestines. Lazy colon may be caused by dietary faults, like lack of fiber.

Very frequent washing and use of strong soaps aggravate acne, and does not alleviate the condition as many think. Rubbing, scrubbing or squeezing the skin may also aggravate acne.

Here are some other factors that may contribute in causing acne or aggravating the condition.

- Stress

- Some contraceptive agents

- Environmental or domestic pollution.

- Humid environments.

- Some antidepressants.

- Testosterone and anabolic steroids used for treatment or by body-building.

- Use of some types of greasy cosmetic products.

- Some antiperspirant products.

- Exposing the skin for chlorine or other halogens, or medicines containing halogens.

- Women may get aggravated acne 2-7 days before menstruation.


Sometimes Acne is so severe that special medical treatment is required, and sometimes the causes of acne necessitate medical treatment. But you can do much yourself also. Here are listed things you can do yourself to prevent or treat acne:

1. Some advices about diet that may help prevent and cure acne:

- Do not consume a great amount of fat.

- The fat you add to the food should be natural oils. Olive oil is ideal, but use other types of oils too, like walnut oil, sunflower oil and soy oil. However, do not use only soy oil as many tend to do. Using only soy oil will give you too much of some fatty acids and too less of others.

- Eat much fish, seafood and not so much meat.

- Eat food with a high fiber content to regulate the digestion, like vegetables, whole cereals, full corn bread and fruit.

2. Here are some things you should avoid.

- Do not use greasy or heavy cosmetics that clog your skin and are difficult to wash away.

- Do not use strong irritating antiperspirants.

- Do not wash with strong soap or cleaners that dry up your skin and take away all the natural oily protection in your skin.

- If you perform body-building, do not use anabolic steroids or other hormonal supplements.

- Use clothes that allow air to reach your body surface to avoid collection of humidity and overheating of your skin.

3. Use of rinsing milk or solutions

You can rinse your skin with mild products especially made to dissolve the plugs in your pores, and to make the environment in your skin unfriendly to bacteria causing infection. Some of these products are just products to wash your skin with one ore more times a day; others should be on during night and flushed away in the morning.

Salicylic acid is a mild ingredient often used in these products to dissolve the comedones. The products usually also contain ingredients that work antibacterial and stimulate the skin's own cleaning activities, like Tea tree oil or Echinacea extract.

4. Use of gels and creams to treat acne and protect your skin

After the rinsing, you should apply some treatment gel, cream or lotion onto your skin to achieve these effects:

- To make your skin soft and elastic.

- To protect your skin against the environment.

- To acts further to dissolve the clogging of your pores.

- To soothe and alleviate inflammation.

- To kill the bacteria causing infection or make an environment hostile for the bacteria.

- To stimulate the skin to clean itself.

- To stimulate the skin to heal.

- To be used as a isolating layer between the skin itself and cosmetics

In order to protect, make the skin soft and further dissolve the comedones, many products contain natural plant oils that are easily absorbed into the epidermis, like Tea tree oil, Rose hip oil, Lavender oil and Olive oil.

Ingredients used in products to reduce inflammation and to stimulate healing may be: Aloe Vera extract, Viola Tricolour extract, Rose hip oil, Vitamin E and Vitamin A.

Tea tree oil and Grapefruit seed extract are natural antibacterial agents used in many of these products. In other products artificial compounds like Benzoyl peroxide are used.

5. Oral supplements to fight the acne process and nourish the skin

Supplements taken by mouth to nourish your skin may be useful. The purpose of these supplements is more or less the same as that of nourishing creams.

- To make the sebum more fluid so it drains more easily.

- To stimulate the substance exchange and cleaning processes in your skin,

- To stimulate your skin to heal,

- To give your skin building nutrients necessary to heal.

Ingredients often used in these supplements to stimulate the cleaning and healing processes in the skin are: Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, Folic acid, Beta carotene, Bioflavonoids, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, selenium, anti-oxidants from Green tea, Metylsulfonyl methane.

Nutrient found in these products used as material to rebuild damaged skin and to give a sebum with better consistency are: Evening primrose oil, Olive oil, Flax seed oil, Borage oil, Soy oil, Wheat germ oil and Lecithin.

Gum guggul extract used in oral products has an anti-biotic effect, and helps against spreading of the acne infection and thus helps against scar formation.

Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. Please go here to find innovative medicines against acne, eczema, scars, wrinkles, other skin problems and natural anti-aging supplements for the skin and the whole body:


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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Knut_Holt/25995

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