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Date Posted: 22:13:22 12/27/04 Mon
Author: Belle
Subject: Her eyes were affectionate as she shifted to face him, fingers absently smoothing his shirt and then just twisting into the soft fabric, head tipped back a little as she gazed up at him. "All for you, you know that?" Her tone was sweet but there was an honest seriousness to her words - she knew that he would think she looked good if she was wearing a potatoe sack, but she just always wanted to look extra special for him. He deserved it. At his next words though, a soft breath slipped from her lips and her hands raised to cup his face as she reached up to press a warm, lingering kiss to his lips. Her heart jumped, she was sure of it, and for a moment all the air left her lungs - that wasn't the first time a guy had said the words to her, but it was the first time she had truly believed them, and was the first time she could honestly reciprocate. "I love you, Paul..."
In reply to: Paul 's message, "
Remember to Breathe
on 20:24:30 12/27/04 Mon

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  • He looked like very nervous for a moment before he smiled broadly and hugged her tightly to his body, his face ducking into her neck. "I love you, so much..your everything to me..." He murmured softly against her neck before he drew back, smiling tenderly. "I hope your hungry." He brushed back her hair sweetly, his fingers rubbing the silk strands for a second before he let go of her, letting Tucker jump up on her in greeting - wearing his little santa outfit. "He's excited for christmas but I didn't think he would share his presents with the other babies, so I got them there own." (NT) -- Paul, 22:18:09 12/27/04 Mon

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