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Date Posted: 22:57:16 12/27/04 Mon
Author: Belle
Subject: She laughed softly and nodded a little with an affectionate wink. "Yours, and mine combined..." Her daddy was a tough and brilliant businessman, and came off as ruthless at times, but she knew that he loved her and all he wanted was the best for her - which was why she knew that as long as she could make her father believe that she loved Paul more than anything and needed to be with him, then he would accept the young struggling musician, despite what his business-instincts may tell him. A low sigh slipped from his lips as he drew back from the kiss, and a hand curled into the edge of one of his front pockets before she smiled a little and nodded in agreement. "To many more."
In reply to: Paul 's message, "
Remember to Breathe
on 20:24:30 12/27/04 Mon

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  • That was one thing he was a little paranoid about, getting her father's approval. He was a nothing, a nobody, and he couldn't provide for her like her father could. He was quietly pondering that for a long time before he winked down at her and shifted to face her. "I meant it when I said I loved you more then anything. I wouldn't say that unless I wanted this to be forever, you know that, right?" He didn't play around with stuff like this, he was completely serious. Once he made the commitment of saying he loved someone - which he had only done once before - he went through with it as far as he could...he wasn't one to make promises and then take off. (NT) -- Paul, 23:07:03 12/27/04 Mon

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