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Date Posted: 23:12:00 12/27/04 Mon
Author: Belle
Subject: Sipping her wine before setting the glass down on the counter so that both hands were free, she pushed her fingers slowly through his hair and then tipped her head back a little as she allowed her touch to drift slowly down his chest. "I know... And I feel the same, Paul, completely. I've never felt like this before..." Her voice softened as her fingers tucked into the waist of his pants and she pulled him closer to her, brows furrowing gently - in her younger, more foolish days, she had thought she loved a past boyfriend or two, but she had been desperate at the time for the commitment that those words seemed to offer, and so had thrown them around hoping that she could hold onto the stability a little longer. She knew better now, and knew how much more they mean when it's for real.
In reply to: Paul 's message, "
Remember to Breathe
on 20:24:30 12/27/04 Mon

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  • A smile gently caressed his lips and he sighed softly, pressing a warm kiss to her lips once again. "I love you..." He murmured just one more time, ever so sweetly, before he leaned down to kiss just below her ear, murmuring to whisper in her ear. "So..." His words were playfully tantalizing, like he was going to say something of vast and importance before he finished. "What'dya get me?" He grinned, tugging back and grinning, tugging on her arms to get her to come towards the living room with him. (NT) -- Paul, 23:18:19 12/27/04 Mon

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