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Date Posted: 23:22:00 12/27/04 Mon
Author: Belle
Subject: "I love you too..." Her own words came out in a soft, lazy slur, but that didn't mean that she meant them any less. Smiling slightly, she returned his kiss, and then smirked a little and grabbed her glass before following after him into the living room. "A big ol' lump of coal. What'd you get me?" Setting her drink on the coffee table, she dropped onto the floor beside the tree and started to rifle through some of the packages - though of course Gambit was in her lap the moment her bottom hit the floor, so she had to wrestle with him to check out the loot.
In reply to: Paul 's message, "
Remember to Breathe
on 20:24:30 12/27/04 Mon

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  • "A sexy little outfit." He winked gently, running his hand down her arm slowly, before he leaned back on his hands. "There's some stuff for Gambit, stop being mean to him and give him a present." He smirked gently, tugging on her hair gently before he tilted his head and watched her going through the presents with a smile. She was adorable. He couldn't wait to fall asleep with her next christmas eve and then sneak out of bed to set out all her presents just to see her face when she got up in the morning. Such good memories were just waiting to be remembered..... (NT) -- Paul, 23:32:10 12/27/04 Mon

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