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Date Posted: 23:43:20 12/27/04 Mon
Author: Paul
Subject: "Whenever you want..." He stated, nuzzling her neck softly before he allowed Tucker into his lap to get comfortable. "Dinner will be done soon, Tucker gets his own little plate, I think Gambit and Rogue should get theirs too..." He grinned lightly, moving one arm to rest on the puppy before he gazed over to her again curiously. "What did your dad get you for christmas?"
In reply to: Paul 's message, "
Remember to Breathe
on 20:24:30 12/27/04 Mon

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  • "We'll open them after dinner. And yes, I guess if Tucker gets his own then Gambit and Rogue should gets their own as wlel.." She stated with a small smile and a slight nod, nestling closer to his side and ruffling Tucker's ears lightly before dropping her hand back to his leg. Her fingers toyed absently with the fabric of his pants, her head tilted back a little as she shifted to look up at him again. "He's taking me to France in February." Her nose wrinkled a little - though the trip sounded amazing and she was excited, the idea of being away from him for twelve days didn't really float her boat. (NT) -- Belle, 23:50:44 12/27/04 Mon

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