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Date Posted: 01:29:03 12/12/04 Sun
Author: Arista
Subject: A smile touched her lips softly as he kissed her, heading through the bathroom for the intended shower. So much had happened in her life in the past four months she couldn't even begin to process it, her mind was just one long photoalbum- snapshots of the best few months of her life, to go with the two scrap books she had filled with all of his sucesses, the score sheets, the posters, the articles about him, the interviews he gave, something from each place they visited... and a whole mountain of photographs. She had little tubs of sand from each and every beach they went to, to match the ones she had collected when she travelled alone around america. After she was done with her shower she changed into a pair of warm flannel pajama bottems and a tank top. She wandered out to feed the excitable little puppy and made sure his bed was all set up warm, before heading intot he bedroom to curl up, her brazilian, bronzed skin shining and warm from her shower.
In reply to: Blake 's message, "
Thank God I found you I was so lost without you
on 00:49:00 12/12/04 Sun

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  • He grinned gently, watching her go before got some of the stuff put away and then ate an apple - he was glad to be home - he could use the chance to rest and build up his energy again. A low breath escaped his lips before he made sure everything was settled and headed into the bedroom to change into a pair of flannel pants - it was to cold for just his boxers - climbing into bed next to her. Immediatly he drew her into his warm embrace, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head. "Wanna go see your fam tomorrow?" They talked to her family nearly every day, her little sisters were all in love with him - he thought it was adorable. (NT) -- Blake, 01:37:34 12/12/04 Sun

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