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Date Posted: 03:58:50 12/23/04 Thu
Author: Blake
Subject: He nodded a bit before he looked over, grinning as he saw her. "Good, I am hungry and thats what I want." He paused a moment, unable to resist going back over to her and running his hands up her legs, his head tilted to the side as he pressed a soft kiss to her lips, his hands running through her hair. As hard as it was, he had kept their relationship pure even though it drove him nuts sometimes...
In reply to: Arista 's message, "Can't be without you..." on 00:06:36 12/20/04 Mon

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  • Her arms snake loosely around his neck as a slight grin flickered at her lips as he returned to her once again, closing her eyes with a soft sigh as she rested her forehead against his. As much as it drove him nuts, it drove her just as crazy... but things had been so hurried in Australia, always moving around and hardly ever getting to bed before two and ... his training had been intense... she hadn't wanted to get in the way of anything...and she'd kinda wanted it to be special with him. They'd waited so long... it had to be something special. She chewed at her lip a little as she opened her gaze to him, her deep brown eyes soft and loving as a happy smile flickered at her lips (NT) -- Arista, 04:07:46 12/23/04 Thu

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