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Date Posted: 01:03:25 01/12/06 Thu
Author: Blake
Subject: He shrugged a little, taking the bags from her, four of them wrapped into his arms. "I didn't totally sleep, just kind of zoned out." He stated with a smile, leaning down to kiss her cheek lovingly before he headed up the stairs to set the bags on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Your dad called, wanted to know if you could work on Saturday at the store on the boardwalk." He called over his shoulder, opening the fridge door to start putting things away. "And your little sister wanted to know if we would go to her recital next week."
In reply to: Blake 's message, "
Thank god I found you I was so lost with you
on 23:58:29 01/11/06 Wed

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  • She nodded her head a little, grabbing the last three bags and following him in with them, begging to unpack the contents. "Did we have any plans for saturday?" Her dad didn;t normally ask her to work additional days unless he was desperate- he knew how much she loved to spend the weekends with Blake, but she hated to let anyone down. "Yeah, she's been going on at me all week to ask you, do you mind going?" She glanced up at him as she filled up the fruit bowl with a variety of fresh fruit, knowing that he wouldn't mind. She appreciated his commitment to her family more than he knew, and she always tried to put a lot of effort into his family as well, though it wasnt difficult, as she got along great with Mia and Bo, and his brothers, she used to get on well enough with his sister but hadnt seen her in a long while. (NT) -- Arista, 01:12:45 01/12/06 Thu

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