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Date Posted: 23:15:28 09/16/06 Sat
Author: Arista
Subject: Ari smiled at her step mom as she wandered over and pressed a kiss to her cheek, sitting up and assuring her it would be fine, telling her they'd drop them home after they'd eaten. She lowered herself onto the floor and scooted forward to the TV to help Alecia with the Movie, taking the disney movie from the little girl and loading it up. Laila followed Blake into the kitchen and sat herself at the counter, asking him enthusiastically about other guys on the ciruit and their girlfriends, while Abbi hauled her little sister into her lap on the couch and made space for Arista. Ari liked helping her parents out, she adored them both, and her little sisters, and she really didn;t mind spending time with them, especially since she travelled aorund with Blake so much.
In reply to: Blake 's message, "
Let's have a toast
Here's to finding a good man
on 22:24:09 09/16/06 Sat

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  • He got dinner started before he headed out towards the living room, pausing to rest against the doorway as he watched the way she cuddled up on the couch with her sisters. It was such a little domestic scene and he couldn't help but picture the way that she would look with his kids around her, all settled in and happy with her lot in life. Yeah, he definitely needed to get that ball started rolling. "I love you." He spoke clearly, unashamed to announce it front of all the girls before he winked lightly and looked back to the sister who had been following him. "Yeah, most of the guys have girlfriends." He finally answered her. "..but none of them are as hot as mine." (NT) -- Blake, 23:21:55 09/16/06 Sat

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