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Date Posted: 00:45:12 09/17/06 Sun
Author: Arista
Subject: She smiled softly and allowed her deep brown eyes to linger on him a moment before she merely nodded a little and headed back into the lounge with her sisters, squeezing into the couch between Abbi and Laila and letting Alecia crawl into her lap. She had been pretty much grown up when her sisters became any fun, but she had certainly made up for it since her flighty teenage years. Arista had always worried that she would turn into her mother- her real mother- that she'd never feel settled or content anywhere. She'd thought she;d been happy with Kevin, she'd moved in with him and everything, but it hadn;t been enough to keep her grounded- but she could only see that now, now she'd found the real thing.
In reply to: Blake 's message, "
Let's have a toast
Here's to finding a good man
on 22:24:09 09/16/06 Sat

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  • He was pretty good when it came to sea food and before long he had the place smelling of shrimp and marina, rice pilaf and brownies in the oven for desert. What could he say, he was born to be domestic. A smile played on his lips as he looked out at the girls who were seeming to get a bit sleepy from the sun shining in on them and the movie playing in the background. "Abbi, can you and Lailia come and set the table please?" He called out, breaking out a bottle of wine for him and Arista and then instructing Alicia to get cans of soda out of the fridge and to put them on the counter so he could pour them into glasses. (NT) -- Blake, 00:54:11 09/17/06 Sun

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