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Date Posted: 01:25:16 09/17/06 Sun
Author: Arista
Subject: She had just been getting into the kiss when she heard the dulcet tones of their interuption in the form of her fourteen year old sister, and she almost guiltily unknoted her hands from her boyfriends shirt, clearing her throat and grinning a touch at his sassy remark. She took his hint and headed back to the table, sitting down and letting Alecia climb up into the seat next to hers. She laughed at her sisters enthusiasm and watched Blake with a secretive little grin, her eyes filled with completely devotion and love for him. They both had their pasts- though hers had been much less painful than his. She knew he didn;t like to talk about it- and she never pushed him- she never pushed for anything with him or anyone else generally- it was just the kind of person she was.
In reply to: Blake 's message, "
Let's have a toast
Here's to finding a good man
on 22:24:09 09/16/06 Sat

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  • He grinned lightly before he made up Alecia's plate and pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then got everyone's drinks, pouring a glass of wine for him and Arista. He usually wasn't a big wine drinker but wine and shrimp just sounded good to him that night. A smile played on his lips as finally sat down himself, letting everyone dig in as he watched with appreciation. He never spoke of his past, not to anyone. He had pushed it out of his mind as if he could just pretend it never happened, start all over with Rista and forget that anything had ever taken the joy out of his life. His eyes moved to Arista, a smile on his face, she had made his life perfect again... (NT) -- Blake, 01:39:31 09/17/06 Sun

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