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Date Posted: 01:50:37 09/17/06 Sun
Author: Blake
Subject: He smiled lightly, tipping his head to the side as he watched the girls say thank you. "All of you work together and clean up and put away the leftovers and then we'll go to the movies, sound ok?" He questioned, the girls nodding in excitement and quickly working together to get the kitchen cleaned up and the table cleared, the dishwasher being loaded and all that. While they were occupied, Blake stood, pulling Rista from her chair and winking down at her before he guided her into the bedroom, closing the door behind them and leaning her back against it. His head ducked against her neck, lips brushing there,sucking and kissing here and there as he spoke. "You don't mind the movies, do you?"
In reply to: Blake 's message, "
Let's have a toast
Here's to finding a good man
on 22:24:09 09/16/06 Sat

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  • She leaned back against the door and let her hands rest on his muscled biceps, tipping her head to the side for him gently and smiling softly "Of course not..." One hand ran up his arm and her fingers combed lovingly through his hair, dropping her face to nuzzle against his neck lovingly. "Your so great with them..." She observed softly, she knew he would make a fantastic father when it came around to it. "I can't wait to start a family with you Blake... for real..." She'd never really been the family type before they'd started dating again- she had never pictured having kids, but she wanted his kids. (NT) -- Arista, 01:55:57 09/17/06 Sun

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