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Date Posted: 02:16:21 09/17/06 Sun
Author: Ari
Subject: She smiled and let her eyes slide closed and he nuzzled her neck, imagining them with kids of their own. She wasn't really sure on the delay of their engagement, but she wasn't too worried- it would happen when it was right- she knew he loved her and she was sure they'd spend the rest of their lives together- happily. She lifted her lips to his to kiss him sweetly, just as she heard Alecia let out a shreiking cry from the other room. She frowned and broke the kiss, listening as an arguement ensued between the two older girls over whos fault it was that their little sister got trodden on. She smiled a touch and leaned up to brush a kiss to his cheek "get changed... I'll sort it." She slipped out of their room and hushed the girls, picking up her youngest sister and helping the girls organise themselves as she bounced the little girl on her hip naturally. She wasn;t exactly new to this- she'd helped raise all her sisters.
In reply to: Blake 's message, "
Let's have a toast
Here's to finding a good man
on 22:24:09 09/16/06 Sat

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  • He smiled warmly and watched her go before he went to change into a pair of jeans and a black v-neck sweater with a white beater underneath it. His blonde hair fell over his forehead in unruley waves but he had long since learned there was nothing he could do to control them. He smirked at his reflection and shrugged before heading out the door and to the living room. "Alright, everything all clean?" He questioned, raising his brow as he looked around at the girls - with his luck he was going to have all girls and even though he was going to adore whatever children he had, the idea of this many girls overwhelmed him. (NT) -- Blake, 02:26:23 09/17/06 Sun

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