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Subject: Re: Want To Be A Star?

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Date Posted: 07:26:35 08/04/02 Sun
In reply to: AngelicValkyrie 's message, "Want To Be A Star?" on 02:43:10 08/03/02 Sat

It was a long day, the day when Ispar was attacked, Angelic Valkyrie had just returned home after her usual morning hunting. The aroma of freshly cooked Shreth Chops, Drudge Links, and Gromnie Egg Omlettes filled the cottage. Valkyrie Prophetess, Angelic Valkyrie's daughter, comes bounding into the house.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa young lady! Slow Down!", demands Angelic
"But mom..." Prophetess says as she clentches her knees trying to catch her breath.
"Yes doll, what is so urgent, you seem panicked"
"Well,",Prophetess continues "It was Pymp-Al-Stick , we were out in the Mountain pass collecting plants and hunting the Raveners and suddenly...he appeared!"

"Who appeared? Who's HE?"

"Maaaaa! Let me finish!", Prohetess rolls her eyes "Some dude, he was massive like 10 feet tall and he wears all black. Oh he was wretched, we ran and...well...let's just say Pymp needs your help getting back here from the Holtburg life stone"

Ok, that was just the beginnig of the storyline, I need help from the rest of you to make this a go :) Please submit ideas



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