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Subject: Free Money

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Date Posted: 22:02:16 09/17/06 Sun

Hopefully, my name is still on the list. When I first read the letter, I thought it was some off-the-wall idea to make money. A week later I met again with my client to discuss the issue. I told him that the letter originally brought to me was not 100% legal. I advised him to make a small change in the letter and it would be all right.
I was curious about the letter, so he told me how it works. I thought it was a long shot, so I decided against participating. Before my client left, I asked him to keep me updated as to his results. About two months later he called to tell me that he had received over $800,000 in cash!! I didn't believe him so he asked me to try the plan and see for myself. I thought about it for a few days and decided that there was not much to lose. I followed the instructions exactly and mailed out 200 letters. Sure enough the money started coming in!! It came slowly at first, but after three weeks I was getting more than I could open in a day. After about three months the money stopped coming. I kept a precise record of my earnings and at the end they totaled $868,439.00!
I was earning a good living as a lawyer, but as anyone in the legal profession will tell you, there is a lot of stress that comes with the job. I told myself if things worked out I would retire from practice and play golf. I decided to try the letter again, but this time I sent out 500 letters. Well, three months after that I had totaled $2,344,178.00!! It seems ridiculous and incredible but it is true.
I just couldn't believe it! I met my old client for lunch to find out exactly how this program works. He told me that there were a few similar letters going around. What made this one different is the fact that here are seven names on the letter, not five like most of the others. This fact, alone, resulted more income. The other factor was the advice I gave him in making sure the whole thing was perfectly legal, since no one wants to risk doing anything illegal.
I bet now you are curious about what changes I told him to make. Well, if you send a letter like this out, to be legal, you must sell something if you expect to receive a dollar. I told him that anyone sending five dollars out must receive something in return. So when you send three dollars to each of the seven names on the list you must include a piece of paper saying "please put me on you mailing list" and include your name, email address and mailing address.
Follow these simple instructions exactly and in less than three months you will receive over $800,000.00.
1) IMMEDIATELY send $3.00 to each of the seven names listed below. The SOONER you send the "$3.00 LETTERS", the SOONER you will start getting a return! Wrap the dollar in a note saying: "Please add me to your mailing list". Include YOUR NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, AND E-MAIL ADDRESS. You will receive expert tips on promoting this letter and some excellent BULK EMAIL resources.
*Remember...If you don't ask for this service, use of this letter will be illegal for you!
1. Dustin Smith
29833 Cr.6 Elkhart, IN, 46514
2. Josie Jayne
3908 N FM 157 Venus, TX 76084
3. Larry Schmidt
106 Quill Cres, Saskatoon, SK S7K4T9
4. Laurie Arevalo
1013 Greenbrae Drive Sparks, Nevada 89431
5. April Martin
292 Circleview Dr. Chester, VA 23831
6. Chancey Justus
875 Commonwealth Ave. Atlanta, GA 30312
7. Evan Murphy
300 Palmetto Park Blvd. Box 115
Lexington, SC 29072

2) REMOVE THE NAME & ADDRESS NEXT TO #1. at the top of the list and MOVE the other names (#2 thru #7) UP ONE POSITION. Then place YOUR NAME & ADDRESS in the #7 spot. Be careful when you type the addresses. It is suggested that you PROOFREAD to MAKE CERTAIN the names and addresses are correct.
3) When you have completed the above instructions, you may market the letter using the following options:
1. Bulk email
2. U.S. Postal Service
3. Flyers
4. Post FREE Classified Ads on the Internet
5. Newsgroups
This letter has been proven perfectly legal for all of the above means, as long as you follow the instructions; because you are purchasing membership in an exclusive mailing list. To mail this letter out over the Internet, you can browse through ours and find people to send it to. All you have to do is cut and paste e-mail addresses wherever you are on the Internet.
Another method of marketing the letter is using a Bulk E-Mail Service to mail out letters in large volume for you. We suggest using the Bulk E-Mail approach. When you mail your $3 letters you will receive a few recommendations for bulk email companies that will supply you with fresh email addresses.
Posting FREE CLASSIFIED ADS on the Internet can also achieve results. Simply go to a search engine (e.g. Yahoo, HotBot, Lycos, Excite, Infoseek, etc. and type in FREE CLASSIFIED ADS. You'll get a list of over 80,000 sites where you can post ads. Remember to use a catchy title like FREE MONEY, and post your e-mail address. When you get an inquiry, simply e-mail a copy of this letter. The more you send, the more you will make. It's a lot of work...so that's why we recommend using a Bulk E-mail Service.
We strongly encourage you to mail this letter to your family and friends. They'll be grateful!!
THIS IS A SERVICE AND IS 100% LEGAL. You may refer to: Title 18, Section 1302 & 1342 of the U.S. Postal & Lottery Statute; or check it out with the U.S. Postal Service if you have questions.
Let's assume, for example, you get a 7.5% return rate. My first attempt, however, was 9.5%, and my second was more than 11%.
1) When you send out 200 letters, 15 people send you $3.00 ($45.00)
2) Those 15 people mail out 200 letters and 225 people send you $3.00 ($675.00)
3) Those 225 people mail out 200 letters and 3,375 people send you $3.00 ($10,125.00)
4) Those 3,375 people mail out 200 letters, and 50,625 people send you $3.00 ($151,875.00)
5) Those 50,625 people mail out 200 letters, and 759,375 people send you $3.00 ($2,278,125.00)
6) At this level, your name drops off the list.
Think about it. Look at what you will have received before your name drops off the list. It looks unbelievable, I know. Do the math...see for yourself! Just DO IT and you'll happily believe because you'll receive proof in the form of MANY THREE-DOLLAR BILLS!!!
Just make certain that you send 3 dollar to each of the seven names on the list; including the note asking to be added to their mailing list. Together we will all prosper!
Remember a wise man saying:
It is not what you know that is important,
it is what you do with the things you know!
Well...you've read this far, so let me ask you two question:
Q: What do you have to lose?
A: Only $21.00
Q: What do you have to win?
A; If you do as instructed, at least $ 800,000

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