Subject: Barbie Double Header |
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Date Posted: 22:01:38 12/20/03 Sat
Daisy Dolls Pageants
Barbie Double Header w/ KY Angel Faces
January 18, 2004 Deadline Jan. 9, 2004
Jenny Wiley State Park Ballroom
Prestonsburg, KY
Deposit due: $75 Money order or Check No Door Entries
Shelly Benvenuto
P.O. Box 201
Dice, KY 41736
Attire: Barbie/Harley Wear (can be custom or off the rack)
Age Divisions: 0-11 m, 12-23m, 2yrs, 3yrs , 4-5yrs ,6-7 yrs, 8-9 yrs ,10-12yrs 13& Up.
Grand Elite Supreme: Winner with the combined score form both pageants will receive: A Savings Bond , Crown , and sash
Grand Supreme: Winner with the highest score of the day will receive custom crown , large trophy or savings bond, custom sash, and age appropriate gift
Mini Supreme (0-4 & 5& up): will receive custom crown, large trophy or savings bond, custom sash, & age appropriate gift.
Daisy Supreme (0-4 & 5 & Up): will receive custom daisy crown, trophy or savings bond, sash, & age appropriate gift
Age Division Queens: will receive crown, trophy, & sash
Runners-up will receive a trophy or tiara
Age Division Optionals: will receive a trophy and sash They include; Best Personality , Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Smile, Most Photogenic, Best Dressed, & most Beautiful
Overalls: will receive a large trophies and Sashes. The overalls are; Most Beautiful, Best Barbie Wear, Photogenic, Smile, Eyes, & Most Beautiful (Must enter these to be eligible for supreme titles.
Door Overalls will include: Angel Face, Best Personality, Barbie Supreme (0-4 & 5 & Up), & Best Model
I will be giving out Barbies as well as many other gifts. Prizes are based on 25 contestants.
Visit our site I will have a guestbook drawing .
You may sell tickets fo help pay for fees. Please call or email me for information. It will be for a $50 Walmart gift card
Entry Form
Contestants Name:
Age: DOB:
Hair color: Eye Color:
Door Admission will be $6 adults and children under 5 will get in for $4. Contestants are free.
Beauty, Optionals, & Supremes $85
Overalls all 6 $20
Door Overalls $25
Total for entire pageant $125
Enter both Pageants for $225
Deposit Due by Jan. 9, 2004 $75
Sibling discounts. First child enters for total amount and second child enters for ½ off.
Daisy Pageants, anyone associated with the pageant, & place were pageant is located is not responsible for any accidents, injury, illness, or lost or stolen items occurring before or after pageant. Judges decisions are final and no bad sportsmanship is not tolerated and will be asked to leave without prizes. Daisy Pageants are for fun and everyone should enjoy the day and their prizes. Everyone will receive a prize.
Parent Signature Date Signed:
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