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Date Posted: 07:36:21 07/04/07 Wed
Author: melissa black
Author Host/IP: ip72-201-75-152.ph.ph.cox.net /
Subject: Re: Pekingese breeder in New York state or Northeast
In reply to: Debbie Gibson 's message, "Re: Pekingese breeder in New York state or Northeast" on 10:41:43 11/02/02 Sat

>>I need some help from Pekingese breeder out there. I
>have a eight year old Pek who keeps getting bladder
>stones. She had surgery last August for this, they
>were back with in three months of the surgery. She has
>been on special food S/D for months. I changed Vets
>and he feels she needs surgery again for this!!! My
>problem is what do we do to stop them from coming
>back. Also this vet is charging me $1,425.00 for the
>operation. I just payed $400.oo for x-rays,labs, and
>I would appreciate it if any one has had this problem
>with this breed. I just do not know what to do. I feel
>the Vet should at least be able to ask his colleges
>what they have done in the past other then surgery!!!!
>I live in Rye Brook New York. I am 30min North of
>Thank you,
>Debbie Gibson
hi there! so sorry about the baby pekingese - i have a beautiful one - check out my web-site - MUSIC BY MELISSA - and dusty is on there as well as my last show peke - JOY, Anway - little dusty had bladder stone surgery last thurs around 1:30 and i picked him up at 6:00. He is doing better - but the new diet - CD - that may take some time - he was used to beef and brown rice dinner from petsmart. We had him FIXED and a cist removed at the same time as the bladder stone removed - total cost was 765 - and i thought AAHAH(ha) But anything for little dusty - i tell you - THE BEST breeder of pekes is cindy sanders in oklahoma. Please check out her web-site - type in WANDERINGPAWSKENNEL - she owns 12 right now - she is THE EXPERT - good luck to you and check out dusty's photo gallery on MUSIC BY MELISSA - bye!

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