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Date Posted: 12:16:58 05/18/08 Sun
Author: Robin B (happy)
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Allergies
In reply to: Judy 's message, "Re: Allergies" on 20:39:11 04/10/06 Mon

I take care of my dad's cat (yrs old) & his pekingese (8 1/2yrs old); he was itching all the time and the vet told me to use Science Diet for Sensitive skin. However it has Corn and by products in there. I have found he doesnt itch hardly @ all due to I am feeding him food that has NO Corn, Wheat, Soy or By Product. He does itch when he gets hot, needs a bath, or gets bitten by flies or knats & etc (pesky bugs). I buy the Vet Formula from Animal Supply House, Natural Balance from Superpets (sold @ other places), the treats: Yummy Chummies made in Alaska, USA good for skin and coat, and he LOVES food by Blue Buffalo...I have to buy the can food of the one he loves and mix w/the dry food the loves or one of the other brands. You might want to try these. When I have him cut, I don't let them shave him @ all, just cut his coat short and blow dry out... not too short though. I do this due to he is out all day, if gets too hot he goes inside.
Note: also if his anal glads are bothering him he will itch also. I take him to a groomer that will bath, bruch/com, clip hair & nails, cleans ears & clips them as well as check his anal sac & see if needs to "express" them. Also check out this link for skin diseases (just information) http://www.familyvet.com/Dogs/Skin.html

>>I have 2 Peeks and 1 is 13 years old . I have been
>fighting skin problems for all these years. I got her
>when she was just 8 weeks old . Now I have rescued a
>year and a half old male peek . The thing is they are
>both itching all the time , the older female gets
>this crusty scaby type stuff on her , the little guy's
> looks like it may just be dry skin . My worry is it
>will turn into what my older pup has and she has
>suffered for 13 years with this . My vet is at a lost
>too. We have tried a great deal of different things
>for her , but NOTHING seems to help . Please if you
>have an answer for me Please Please write me and help
>me and my pups out . Hoping to hear from you and
>Hoping for an answer to help with this awful thing .
>Thank You Hope to hear from you . Please write me at
>the address provided .
> My 2 year old male peke has
>allergies. Blood test
>>revealed rag weed, some grasses, etc could be the
>>problem. He got terrible skin problems and that lead
>>to infections that had to be treated with antibiotics
>>(staph infections). I am now giving the dog allergy
>>shots every 10 days based on the blood tests. The vet
>>specializes in dog allergies, but I wonder. Dog still
>>has problems, altough not as bad as before. Question:
>>I think diet is partially the problem. Some say
>>protein elimination and others say limit fat. Does
>>anyone have any ideas?

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