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Date Posted: 22:29:27 02/26/02 Tue
Author: Leigh Holgate
Author Host/IP: A020-0004.SKT3.splitrock.net /
Subject: Re: Allergies
In reply to: Gary Hibbard 's message, "Allergies" on 01:09:27 11/19/00 Sun

>My 2 year old male peke has allergies. Blood test
>revealed rag weed, some grasses, etc could be the
>problem. He got terrible skin problems and that lead
>to infections that had to be treated with antibiotics
>(staph infections). I am now giving the dog allergy
>shots every 10 days based on the blood tests. The vet
>specializes in dog allergies, but I wonder. Dog still
>has problems, altough not as bad as before. Question:
>I think diet is partially the problem. Some say
>protein elimination and others say limit fat. Does
>anyone have any ideas?
Hi there,
I'm not a vet, and I'm not sure about the allergies, but I've had dogs that have had an occasional skin problems, and they are usually solved by giving them a bath with some medicated dog shampoo, followed by some people hair conditioner. Unlike people shampoo, which is harsh, people conditioner is ok; work it into the scalp of the dog for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Brush and dry as usual.

Also, I use Linatone on all my dogs of any breed. Its the most digestible supplement on the market, and the fish oils will help dry itchy skin. I swear by this stuff!

If you have raw patches or "hot spots", the above will help but also I have had good results applying hydrogen peroxide with a cotton ball. The best thing I found is something called "colloidial silver solution" from a company called "R Garden" Also works on cuts and incisions. Best of all, you can use it too, if you get hurt. Heals everything FAST. Good Luck!

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