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Subject: Punteos

Marcelo Gonzalez
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Date Posted: 06:14:00 05/15/12 Tue
In reply to: theboss13666 's message, "Request" on 02:55:00 05/10/12 Thu

Firstly, I love your page. I havnt learnt anything yet as its my first time here, but I think its excellent. It reminded me of something I have been looking for for a long time. Have you heard of an Argentinian folklore group called "Los Chalchaleros"? They have a unique style to their beautiful music. They have what is called a "Punteo" to start their songs and is usually also repeated in the middle of the song. The punteos are very beautiful short classical type pieces of music which I personally love, along with the songs. I have worked out some of these Punteos by ear and they sound so nice. My question is: Would you know how or where to get these songs in score or even Tab? I cant find it anywhere. As I said I worked out some songs. Some are simple but some are just too complicated and my music skills are limited. It would make me so happy if you have any information on this...and Im sure you would like them too. Mabey you could add them to your page.

Take care.

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