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Subject: New Reader

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Date Posted: 07:26:49 06/25/03 Wed

Wow...Jaden you are totally responsible for my sore arse right now. I can barely move. I came across your story a day and a half ago and have sat and read from chapter one all the way through without a break. Yes - I am also extremely tired right now.
At the risk of stating the obvious - you are an incredible writer. Your characters have tremendous depth and your plot is very creative and rich. I admit that I have totally fallen in love with all of these guys.
What else can I say...well you realise that now that you have me hanging on the edge of my chair for the next installment, you are going to have to work MUCH MUCH faster!!! (I really am enormously important. At least in my own little world!) Just kidding, I assume you do have a life outside writing. But you MUST keep the chapters coming.
I was a little surprised when I saw the pictures posted on this site for the characters...Blade is kind of, well, plain compared to the rest.
All the best
Brisbane Australia.

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