Date Posted:17:03:02 02/26/07 Mon Author: Jay Subject: ???? In reply to:
's message, "Jay" on 15:30:30 02/26/07 Mon
I have to admit, your comment confuses me. Not heartfelt? Are you saying that I don’t feel sincere love towards our servicemen? Because I do. I think we just disagree on how that love is manifested. Do I have greater love towards them than I do my Iraqi brothers and sisters? Not at all. I hate war. I hate killing and bloodshed. I hate seeing the Iraqis being treated like animals. I hate taunting little boys with bottled water. I hate it that some of our American families only get to see their loved ones return home in boxes. I hate seeing all the bombing and destruction and lives needlessly torn apart and ruined. I hate seeing any of God’s creatures being used for target practice. I hate it all. I hate the fact that Bush has gotten away with this totally illegal crap. I want him brought to justice. I want our servicemen and women brought home. I don’t want more reinforcements. I want it to end. It’s serving no useful purpose. It’s not about freedom. It’s not about defense of our country. It’s not about WMD’s. It’s not about war on terror. Whatever it’s about, it’s not about anything that I stand for.
“He rent his coat; and he took a piece thereof, and wrote upon it—In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children—and he fastened it upon the end of a pole.”
That is the war I could support. That has no resemblance whatsoever to this war. At least, not as I see it.
So what about anything I have said is not sincere?