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Date Posted: 02:11:19 01/30/06 Mon
Author: Bembix
Subject: The Articles of Government

1. We believe in the divine Executor, in His royal congressional henchmen and in the holy court.

2. We believe that man will sometimes be punished for his own crimes, but more often for breaking the rules that the Executor or His royal henchmen capriciously make up as they go along.

3. We believe that all mankind may be duped by obedience to the rules and laws of Washington, D.C.

4. We believe that the first principles of blind civil obedience are first, faith in the fools in office, second, apathy, third, reelection, and forth, the extending of our hands for the gifts of entitlements.

5. We believe that leaders must be called of God, or at least claim such, by fruadulent elections and by making false oaths to those who are in aurthority to practice socialism and administer in the offices thereof.

6. We believe in the same government that existed in the Lincoln era, namely, martial law, socialism, tyranny, fascism, monarchy, and so forth.

7. We believe in the gifts of free education, Medicare, Social Security, welfare, and so forth.

8. We believe the Constitution to be the supreme law of the land however the Executor, congress or court chooses to interpret it. We also believe all decisions of the court to be the supreme law of the land.

9. We believe all that the Executor has told us, all that He does now tell us, and we believe that He will yet tell us many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of Washington, D.C.

10. We believe in the literal corruption of government and in the perpetuation of the federal deficit, that a one-world power will be built upon this, the American continent, that the commander-in-chief will reign personally upon the earth and all nations of the world shall recognize American superiority.

11. We claim the privilege of worshiping the almighty Executor according to the dictates of our own ignorance and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where or whom they may (as long as he is from either one of the two canonized parties).

12. We believe in being subject to kings.

13. We believe in being ignorant, foolish, apathetic . . . but mostly ignorant . . . and in doing good to all men and forcing everyone else to do the same. Indeed, we may say that we follow the philosophies of Rush. We believe all lies, we trust all lies, we have endured many lies and hope to be able to endure all lies. If there is anything corrupt, selfish, stupid or socialistic, we seek after these things.

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