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Date Posted: 13:09:14 03/07/06 Tue
Author: KathyT
Subject: Life has been crazy...

Just over a week ago I had a mini-stroke.

I am okay. The effect of the stroke only lasted a few hours. Well, actually for at least a day I could see it, but others might not have been able to. Within a few hours my speech had returned to normal... within about 1 hour I could talk fairly normal, but found myself groping for words, mixing them up, etc... far more than normal. For a full 24 hours when I would type, strange things would come out. I would go to type "church" and would look and it said, "child." Every paragraph had six or seven words that were wrong. It was strange. After a day that gradually went away. Now I'm back to my normal blunders, which are too many! LOL.

I felt very fearful after the stroke. I was afraid to be alone... afraid it would happen again. My grandmother first had a mini-stroke, then weeks later had the full blown stroke that killed her. I kinda wanna be around... my youngest daughter submitted her papers for her mission. I want to see her go, come home, marry and have kids. I want to cuddle my grandbabies for years to come. And the throught that it could happen at any time really bothers me.

When I had my mini-stroke, at first I thought it was low blood sugar. I told my daughter I was having an insulin reaction, and she brought me some juice. I drank it, but I continued to feel weaker and weaker, more shakey. My husband brought me more juice. I continued getting worse. I was working, so I put a sign in the window for them to ring the doorbell, and I went in my apartment so I could sit on the couch and wait for the juice to kick in. The phone rang, it was a customer with a question about her account. My daughter was downstairs, my husband has gone outside to check her unit... suddenly I couldn't answer her questions... I couldn't talk... I knew what I needed to say, but only two words would come out at a time... I felt very bewildered... the poor woman! I finally managed to let her know I had to call her back... she probably thought I was on drugs. After I hung up, I decided to check my blood sugar... and it was not low, it was high! Then I realized that whatever was wrong, it wasn't my blood sugar. I was scared then. My husband took me to the ER, where I still could hardly talk. We played the test game, running up lots of nice uninsured expenses... gradually my speech game back.

Now everytime I feel the slightest bit strange, I am afraid I am having a stroke. If I'm hungry, I'm afraid I'm having a stroke, and if I'm tired, I'm afraid I'm having a stroke. At the hospital they told me that if I had the same symptom,s I have to come back in every time, because time is extremely important in case of a full blown stroke.

I am going to become a vegetarian, because tests at the hospital showed that I have kidney disease, no surprise because of my diabetes... the kidneys have a hard time with protein.

Anyone here have any good vegetarian recipes?

I start seeing a naturopathic doctor this week. I trust them far more than medical doctors. This will be my first experience with them, though. I've done the self-treatment with herbs for years, now I'm gonna see what those who are trained can do.

Oh yeah, I bought a car last week... spent four days car shopping. That's a lot of work! I ended up with a 91 Taurus in primo shape. Pristine. Been well cared for. Hopefully it will serve us well.

So what's up with everyone else?


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