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Date Posted: 12:25:09 04/18/06 Tue
Author: KathyT
Subject: From the view of still not understanding Vietnam
In reply to: Deborah 's message, "Protesting against those who protested against the war!?" on 01:15:12 04/10/06 Mon

I suspect that my political sentiment would be different today. I am red, white & blue through and through, and never been afraid of speaking out; I will defend truth as I know it. Today, if I were to study that war, I suspect I would see truth differently. I don't know for sure and haven't tried to study things out in retrospect as I can hardly keep up with today.

What I hated about the "hippie with the flag on the butt pocket look" was the accompanying scorn that went with it; there was a day (I'm sure you remember it) when it was very unpopular to love America; when cool people burned flags and spoke many condemning words against this land. I loath what our leaders are doing here, but I love this country, every stick and stone, and the people in it. I am anti war, and I am anti bush, but pro American.

One thing I appreciated about Ronald Reagan is that he made it okay to love America. His "God Bless America" came at a time when America was desperate to have some who proudly proclaimed their pleasure at being American. It was like a breath of fresh air sweeping this nation, and I love Ronald Reagan because of it. Whatever else he may or may not have done, he had a great part in restoring national pride. The controversy of Vietnam had done much to damage it.

I hope with this war it is easier to take a stand against war and for America at the same time.

PS, I am pursuaded you would have had a blast with us, protesting at the plaza in Santa Fe, Deb! It was a wonderful hippie mecca, and we sold flowers on the corners, had wonderful head shops all around us, with the Inn of the Governors on one corner and all sorts of indian/mexican culture everywhere around. Santa Fe is the best!

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