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Date Posted: 16:13:17 09/19/05 Mon
Author: Mary, quite contrary
Subject: what is behind this?
In reply to: Chuck in ND 's message, "Our people may be warmhearted" on 09:01:01 09/05/05 Mon

I don't think it was a coincidence that those dykes needed to be replaced 30 years ago.

A man in my ward got up in testimony meeting and wept . . . his first area was New Orleans and the area just north of it. He knew people there.

He can remember, as a 19 year old elder who wanted to study engineering, hearing talk about how the dykes couldn't hold--30 YEARS AGO.

They were talking about how the dykes wouldn't hold back a hurricane of lesser force than Katrina--30 YEARS AGO.

The man, now an engineer and not a person who thinks much about alternative political things, as I gather, as he cried and hoped "his people" were all right--kept asking, "Why weren't they watching the dykes? Why didn't they do something?"

Is the "government" responsible for keeping harbours open? If not, who is? I know; I know; I need to get my constitution out and read it again; one of my children IS reading it--

Thirty years ago . . . I don't think this is a coincidence. I think that "someone" doesn't really care about the loss of American lives, as long as they are poor or elderly or minority. I believe that our "leaders" are VERY detached from the "people"--

But, this is just my belief.

I can't "prove" anything; it's just my feeling--

I think this can happen again and again in many places, and we are not prepared as a nation. Those of us who have tried honestly to be more prepared may have to help those who have not. Beyond that, if we are not WHERE we can help (beyond monetary contributions) the best we can do is hope that those who are suffering and vulnerable will get the help they need, spiritual and physical, and that hearts everywhere will be softened towards Jesus Christ and ignited with a desire for righteousness and do our best to be among those hands reaching out to help.

Should the "government" help? Well, since they were the ones (am I wrong) who disapproved legislation to repair the dykes and diverted it for international purposes--yes, they had better!

But, I was offended by a Christian "leader" saying--on the radio, "Bush has called on Christian churches to help, so we need to heed his call," and I wanted to shout out, "I am called by Christ to help (or by my prophet), NOT by the president of the U.S.!" It was as though Bush were some kind of demi-prophet--

good grief--Dobson drives me crazy; he's too friendly with Bush; that just doesn't seem quite right. Since when does an American president have a right to call on churches to help? Does anyone else find that jarring? Even if he were (which I seriously doubt) a true Christian, that's NOT his calling.
I sound mad; I think I need to get off this board.

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