Date Posted:15:52:16 05/27/05 Fri Author: Leif Erlingsson Subject: Swedes are very individualistic :) In reply to:
Mary, quite contrary
's message, "Someone from Europe speaking for freedom!" on 05:38:37 05/27/05 Fri
Swedes are very individualistic. Actually that's why the LDS doesn't make progress here -- normally people will not bow to authoritarian systems whether religious or political. However I think that there are strong forces that wish to alter this, and that's probably part of the reason that the then Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was gunned down here in the city I live in, on a Stockholm street on his way home from a cinema with his wife, Lisbet on February 28, 1986. See for example Or search using ``"Olof Palme" murder'' in Apparently one of the persons that was innocently blamed was Lyndon LaRouche(!). Lyndon LaRouche comments in one of the search results using the search string I just mentioned that ``the principal suspect in the Palme murder would have been that international consort of weapons- and drug-traffickers popularly known as the ``Iran-Contra'' complex, of which the East Germany, Rostock-based weapons-trafficking was an integral part.'' (
``If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.'' [ Paul Josef Göbbels ]
``See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda.'' [ George Walker Bush ]
THANKS "Mary, quite contrary" for ``My hat is off to you!''. It is true that the most arrogant Americans I have been in contact with have been LDS. But unfortunately this is also the case with many Swedish LDS. I will not hide that LDS members have hinted that I am a very evil person, inspired by Satan, for telling the truth about the real Eternal War Agenda.
Frankly, President Hinckley not speaking out, not exposing evil, not helping the LDS to see through the lies, deception etc made me extremely uncomfortable. Many LDS said that the Prophet supports the war so therefore it is righteous. But the war was based on lies, I knew that for a fact. I didn't want to believe that President Hinckley supported a war based on lies. I wrote and especially to show that President Hinckley could not possibly support this. But today I am not so sure anymore. Jay Bybee, while assistant to Alberto Gonzales, wrote the infamous torture memo. He is LDS. The CIA analyst who made the completely faulty assessment on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is LDS. LDS are in key places in DC. Including in the White House law office. LDS advise Congress on international affairs, etc. Condoleezza Rice's newest assistant at the State Department is LDS. And of course there's Orrin Hatch, Bob Bennett, Harry Reid and Mike Leavitt. Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, LDS, is considering a run for the US presidency in 2008. So there is definitely a "Mormon network" around political power in Washington. In March 2005 800 LDS met at a ballroom in the Georgetown Marriott for a meeting of the Brigham Young University Management Society, where their discussions included running the country. I today firmly believe that President Hinckley gets his inside information from misinformed LDS inside the circles of power. Either that or that he shares a goal that I do not share: That the goal of the US must be to preserve world dominance at any cost, war, deceit, lies, black propaganda, assassinations, torture, black-mail, political arm-twisting (see for example "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins), etc. Either way, I am today confident that I do not have the same values as evidently does President Hinckley. I'm sorry if that is shocking, but I have to follow my conscience, and my conscience forbids me to just "follow the leader" in this.
In fact, I today believe that "secret combinations" of the radical Right like the John Birch society (sorry!) and others of that ilk are among the most potent enemies to civilization we have. (``[T]he FBI HQ main file on the JBS is 62-104401 and consists of about 12,000 pages. J. Edgar Hoover or his top subordinates referred to the JBS in FBI memos and reports as "extremist", "irrational", "irresponsible" and "lunatic fringe". (Source: I am well aware that Ezra Taft Benson -- LDS president when I became a member -- was a John Bircher, and also a racist. Knowing as I do today what he really believed, I do not share those values.
You might wonder why, if I do not share values with the LDS prophets, I at all became LDS. I bought the religious package and I felt the burning in the bosom thing. I was even impressed with the anti-authoritan teachings of the early prophets, like especially John Taylor -- check out "The Gospel Kingdom"! Today I have to agree with the FLDS that the main LDS religion has apostasied from the earlier teachings. But I also agree with the Community of Christ, formerly RLDS, and with the people that published the Nauvoo Expositor on Friday, June 7, 1844, that already the founders of the whole LDS religion apostasied. I didn't stop there. I investigated more thoroughly than I ever did before the very foundation of the LDS religion, and like the former RLDS, now Community of Christ, I decided that it was built on a foundation of lies and deception. I am therefore no longer formally attached to the LDS organization, even though I study it with great interest due both to my extensive knowledge of it and the role I see it trying to play in both national and international politics. Along with "The Fellowship"/The Christian Mafia at (also see Jesus Plus Nothing at, I today consider the LDS "Mafia" among those extremely dangerous secret societies that threaten our freedom, liberty, etc. If you are familiar with George Orwell and his work "1984" you may get an idea of my feelings regarding the relationship between the LDS Church and reality. Or you can read my Parable About Truth at, that I wrote about a week before we formally and physically disassociated ourselves from the Church. (Physically because we were never inactive. We just resigned while being fully active, because we/I wanted to make a statement through our actions, namely that we are not lazy etc, but we do not share values with the LDS.) Note that I do not deny my testimony, it's just that I have discovered that we humans can obtain a testimony of whatever we have a psychological need for -- that we are prone to interpret any spiritual experiences as proof for whatever belief we need to get proof for. This is how people end up in different religions, they ALL obtain a testimony (regardless of if that is the word they use) for their particular belief. And then we fight each other. I do today not subscribe to any particular theology and I follow my conscience I today believe that there is a spiritual reality and possibly a higher power/God but I think it is foolish for me to try to second-guess this power. I'll just follow my conscience, and let the consequences follow. :)
Theocracy: when religious fanatics run the government as if God died and left them in charge.