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Date Posted: 13:19:42 06/05/05 Sun
Author: Joe
Subject: Whatever any of us think about Bush.....
In reply to: Leif Erlingsson, heretic® 's message, "Why do you take it?" on 09:46:58 05/30/05 Mon

He did not lose the 2,000 election in Florida.

"But I suppose we all know here that in reality he lost the year 2000 Florida election and therefore the US election, only the US Supreme Court decided that it would reflect negatively on the Presidents legitimity if he lost the election, so they stopped the Florida re-count when it clearly was going to show that Al Gore won."

No, we don't all know any such a thing. The votes were counted, certain county's (picked by the Democrats) votes were counted again, and THEN those same counties were yet counted a third time by hand. Gore lost on every count. The US Supreme Court only put an end to the farce caused by the sore looser Democrats, who in my view, were trying to steal the election. Just like they successfully did in the Governor's race out in Washington State last November.

1. Rossi is ahead, keep counting.

2. Rossi is still ahead, keep recounting.

3. Rossi is still ahead, keep recounting.

4. Rossi is still ahead, keep recounting.

5. Gregoire is ahead, quit counting, quit counting!

You might want to ask Clinton why all the military ballots sent overseas to be filled out in 2,000, went by slow boat via the South Pole. Lot's of service people based in Florida, you know.

These days I'm no big fan of George Bush, but I like to be fair. Even though you seem to be very well read (you remind me of someone I know in the UK), I suspect that you have been a victim of the European press, who can't stand and never did like Bush. That's no major crime. Most of Europe probably also thinks Bush stole the 2,000 election.

Other than this one disagreement, you and I share a lot of the same views. Even when it comes to the church.

If people would REALLY study church history, with an open mind and were willing to let the chips fall where they may, many eyes would be opened. No, people are content to "take it" (as you put it) from the church.

That's one reason I don't come to this board more often. To discuss politics here, first you need to work from the premise that the church is what it claims. Since it is impossible to prove such a thing, almost all of the arguments here are flawed right from the start.

You might enjoy a board I hang out at for Fringe Mormons:



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