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You walk along a well-beaten path in a far away forest. You come across a large mountain with a cave in the side. You poke your head in and see a red cracked floor with fire appearing and disappearing from the cracks. You walk into the cave and dodge the rising fire and onto another cave entrance. You look through the other cave entrance and see a throne with demonic signs on it. A gray wolf sits on one of the thrones watching over the pack. You stumble and all the wolves circle you. The gray wolf sitting on the one throne jumps down to you. *I am Akeyla, King of the Under World and ruler of all demonic wolves. If you are not one of us, leave now or be ripped to shreds. * He snaps. The Large black Female, Shadow, lies there watching you. He walks off leaving you with the other wolves. You climb to your feet and walk off as the other wolves snap at your heals. Shadow steps down and makes her way over to you. *I am Shadow, Queen of the Under World. If I don’t like you, chances are Akeyla, my mate, won’t either.* The gray wolf sits back on his throne watching his pack once again. Shadow turns away from you, leaving you to look around, while she makes her way into the pack to make sure everything is fine.

King of the Under World: Akeyla
Queen of the Under World: Shadow

Prince: Neon Genesis
Princess: Fire Night

Back-up Male: Hell's Tornado
Back-up Female: The Slayer

Beta Male: Tarabus
Beta Female: Slasher

Gamma Male: Taako
Gamma Female: Kwanyin

Kappa Male: Black Knight
Kappa Female: Corsas

Delta Male: Sol-leks
Delta Female: Tala

Epsilon Male: Kano
Epsilon Female: Sehara Universe

*Other Males*
Stormy Souls

*Other Females*

Volante[M](no parents yet
Skull Crossing[F](Slasher)
Kao[M](Slayer & Hell's Tornado)
Black Fire[M](Slayer & Hell's Tornado)
Ice Chill[F](Slayer & Hell's Tornado)

Akeyla & Shadow
Hell's Tornado and The Slayer
Slasher & Black Knight


You can access this place from: www.geocities.com/theunderworld00/index.html Gather more members and I might reward you with a tt. Dont't ask for a tt, I will give one to those I think worthy.
I am allowing you to make your own dens. Tell me the URL and I will put it up.

If you have any questions you can reach Shadow at: Pimpet101gnst@yahoo.com
You can also reach Akeyla at Rocker_Baby370@hotmail.com

Royal Lair

The Slayer's Lair
The Lair of Hell
Den of The Slashed

Skull Peak
(Pup Playground)

Dark Wolves Meeting Place
We have allied with the BM Wolves. They are at war and need our help. This is where the meeting will be held. It is password protected. Email Akeyla for the password.

The Demon's Lair
We have allied with The Demon wolves. This is Shadowand Slayer's Mother's pack, So Good!!!!

Archives: 12 ]

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Underneath the worlds crust, lays the demonic type
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