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Re: error>>> -- I.D., 10:47:03 07/15/02 Mon
(OOC: Well "Sudan"...I didn't know who you were "slamming" because you said you were slamming yourself. What a retard you are.)
~*~snarls viciously and charges him, slamming into him, and landing on his back, intent on crushing him~*~
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>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Sudan, 14:23:03 07/15/02 Mon
OOC-"Retard" how original.I find it odd when one actually still uses the incredibly first grade term Retard you have to think how low their I.Q. Level must be. A more politically correct term to use would be something like "damned creaton" or something like that. But i would except you a someone who actually was named Iscicle Dream to understand. And perhaps in the future when having a char you could come up with a name that isn't bearish. Go to the horse board, your kind are welcomed there.
Recovers quickly only feeling a slight twinge of pain, but quickly it recedes. Jumps up behind I.D. And slams into his back watching as the others suround him.
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Re: >>>>>>>>>>>> -- Valainia, 14:35:49 07/15/02 Mon
Dark shadow creeps pon the fight seeing that her beloved is doing well in attacking Popsicle. She morphs quickly into a dragon hide covering her all over, impenitrible and undefeatable. As Sudan rams in on the back she slams into I.D.'s front. Watching her Children do the same.
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Re: >>>>>>>>>>>> -- Avara **Teronyial, 14:44:53 07/15/02 Mon
The femme sees the popsicle. Morphing just as her mother and father have done. Her brother, Teronyial follows her lead. Both now in Dragon Hide standing tall but cower slightly for they have not fully grown yet. Though an opponent is not to be fooled, they have been trained with some that are considered in the likes of Gods. Avara goes on the left side of the Popsicle and Teronyial goes on the right seeing the mother and father slam they too body slam into the pathetic pack mouse. Both recovering quickly and landing back on there paws watching their parents doing the same and a silent is meet between them.
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HA HA!! JOKE'S ON U!!! NO MORE POWERS!!!>>> -- Ice, 00:26:02 07/16/02 Tue
I'm the one with the low IQ? It isn't "except" it's ACCEPT...unless you speak using your brain, and in that case, you are excused.
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**Snarls** -- Valainia, 09:17:40 07/16/02 Tue
She stands beside Sudan watching the Popsicle, She turns around watching and waiting for her giver to arrive seeing her, a grin spreads through all in the family as she thinks that the popsicle is about to meet most certain pain and death.
ooc-play in character, don't look for excuses to stop.
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Icicle Dream, 12:49:28 07/16/02 Tue
I AM A FEMALE!!! And another are powerplaying...You can't just attack me, you have to give me a chance to get out of the way. So I completely get out of your way.
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Re: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -- Abyss, 13:50:00 07/17/02 Wed
A new one steps up to kill. Her gift being different. She is able to use the earth to kill. Seeing Stalagmites on the cave wall, Several tear off pointing strait for Popsicle. Even if she darts they will follow.
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Re: >>>>>>>>>>>> -- Maheret, 09:35:52 07/16/02 Tue
A dark wolf with a henna pelt appears. Verte eyes glow in the cave scanning for her students, seeing them nostalgia comsumes her mind momentarly, shaking her self she remembers she is here for the taking of the underworld. Moving quietly towards Icicle Dream she watches him, four times the size of she but she grows quickly now only slightly smaller then he. Then an armor grows over and protects her, it being a mixture of iron ore and tough dragon hide. Only one thing can stop it, and that has yet to be learned from these wolfs. Using her power she sets fire into Icicle dreams Armor melting away some of it on his belly, seeing her opening she dives in using her jaw to clamp down on part of the ribe cage shaking it violently tasting the blood, discusted at how filthy it tastes she shakes her muzzle more.
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Re: >>>>>>>>>>>> -- All of the popsicles enemys, 03:10:50 07/20/02 Sat
I"m gone for a week startign now. so no attacking
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