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************ -- Celian, 07:12:12 07/16/02 Tue
I am just saying a few things, in several of the OOC bashings it was started by the biased wolfs of this lair. As for the dragon hide, a little diversitie is nice sometimes so get used to it. As for being mean to you enemies, we are freaking teddy bears here. It's our job to tear you apart so were going to use what we may. And as for not taking the game too seriously, were just trying to have some fun. Summer can get boring tell your "nights" and popsicles to not take things to serously, any mess up one makes seems to make them go off the edge. But thanks for bringing this to light I'll take few things of what you said to heart.
sorry for any typos.
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**********edited********** -- Celian, 07:21:47 07/16/02 Tue
I am just saying a few things, in several of the OOC bashings it was started by the biased wolfs of this lair. As for the dragon hide, a little diversitie is nice sometimes so get used to it. As for being mean to you enemies, we aren't freaking teddy bears here. It's our job to tear you apart so were going to use what we may. And as for not taking the game too seriously, were just trying to have some fun. Summer can get boring tell your "knights" and popsicles to not take things to serously, any mess up one makes seems to make them go off the edge. But thanks for bringing this to light I'll take few things of what you said to heart.
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Actually, I have magical weather powers, so it's fine. -- Renegade, 16:08:07 07/17/02 Wed
However, if your king decides to come to his senses it'll all *disappear*...
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