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Subject: college group...

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Date Posted: 23:53:24 07/20/03 Sun

hey you freakin morons out there!!!
yeah you...
you kno, my sister and cathy have spent a lot of time setting up and running a college group so that you wouldnt feel like the church is just kicking you out... instead you have decided to give the staff a hard time about moving you out and you have refused to plug yourself into an environment that you will fit in... i know your not all the most social people in the world... but you will never make friends if you never even give yourself the chance to meet them... i dont even really care about the group... i just kno that its a major slap in the face for the staff, especially cathy when they spend so much time being there for you, and you just laugh in their faces when they invite you to it...
you know what, at least show so freakin interest when they put themselves out there and invite you... they care, stop being so freakin selfish and self-involved
if you hurt my sister's feelins "one mo gen"...

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Re: college group...Sunblock23:07:48 07/21/03 Mon
Re: college group...steve12:59:36 07/22/03 Tue
Re: college group...Windbreaker23:55:36 07/23/03 Wed

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