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Subject: Re: Confrontation

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Date Posted: 01:52:58 08/12/03 Tue
In reply to: Paul 's message, "Re: Confrontation" on 23:58:45 08/11/03 Mon

the only trying time i was having was one that i had for over a year already and its funny to me that my "trying time" started while i still was hanging out with you and attending church regularly.. maybe you dont understand how badly it sucks for me to go to church on a wednesday night and have to have everyone in the room have a different opinion than you and even though you see their side of the point they dont see how bad you have been racially opressed for the past year because of a stupid thing that you do not support that some crazy muslims did to the twin towers.. IT REALLY HURTS. its funny that i think about it now and i was so deep in the horrible things i was doing in my life and guess who brought me out of it paul... the 3 people that i want to be around now. im not ready to be around you and everyone else from church. im simply not ready to share my problems or care about everyone elses. so now you really do know something about me because for over a year you really havent. DO NOT feel guilty for any of this at all because it has not been your fault. if you trust God then you will understand that he has most likely put me in the correct surrounding and this is why i have been able to pull myself out of me deep dark hole. its funny that you decided to attack me on this subject and call me a pussy to my face when i have made no attempt to attack you or have anything to do with you. Trust God and maybe once i am ready i will return to church because whether you knew it or not that day was coming much sooner than i could have even imagined. i do not believe you think that you are any better than i in any way and i definetly do not think much of myself. the fact that a major assumption was made and made public is what bothers me. i have not been this happy in a miserably long time and it sucks that now i am being labeled unhappy when i really am. its been how long since i had that talk to you about my "trying time"? maybe if u had followed up on it without the attack you could have realized that i am happy and you could just understand and be happy for me. lets see exactly how understanding you really are.....

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Re: ConfrontationWindbreaker16:00:51 08/12/03 Tue

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