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Subject: Why Religion is False.

Sam Tate
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Date Posted: 01:25:28 11/13/03 Thu

Sam Tate: uh... i totally did
Whitney Roberts: yeah right liar
11:35 AM
Sam Tate: im not a liar
Sam Tate: im athiest
Sam Tate: which according to dino is just as bad
Whitney Roberts: lol
Whitney Roberts: interesting
Whitney Roberts: i think he's got a good point but i'm also very tired so i am confused nonetheless
Sam Tate: lol
Sam Tate: you think my atheism is bad?
Whitney Roberts: well i think it's bad to be athiest because that means you don't believe at all- no matter what anyone says... it would be better if you were agnostic because that means that you don't necessarily believe in anything in particular, but you don't reject religion completely
Whitney Roberts: i don't know though, it's just hard for me to imagine not being spiritual.. it's not like i'm a bible thumper, i just know that there's someone up there for all of us
Sam Tate: alright
11:40 AM
Sam Tate: i was going to go into my whole speil but ill spare you
Sam Tate: id feel bad
Whitney Roberts: nah, let's hear it..i'm sure i can imagine what you're going to say "people invent religion to make themselves feel better about living..so that they won't have to feel so alone" which i can understand and partly agree with because that's why religion is so important to me..it gives hope to people. it's such a depressing thought to think that after death is nothing
Sam Tate: well thats a good argument but that wasnt the one i was going to make
Whitney Roberts: well let's hear yours
Whitney Roberts: if it hurts my feelings i won't admit it so i won't make you feel bad
Sam Tate: lol
Sam Tate: my proof that there isnt anyone is: motherless children, nuclear bombs, aids, child molestors
Whitney Roberts: that's not proof
Sam Tate: i cant comprehend anything good when there is so much bad
Whitney Roberts: if life was perfect then we wouldn't ever learn anything
Whitney Roberts: it's humanity
11:45 AM
Whitney Roberts: we were made to make mistakes. there doesn't need to be a reason for it. it's what makes us appreciate life, as selfish as that sounds, but it's true
Sam Tate: see but even that arguement is religously biased. you said "we were MADE"
Whitney Roberts: true
Sam Tate: if i were going to make a group id definately not make them killing rape and stea
Sam Tate: steal*
Sam Tate: i dont care if it is humanity. i dont think for life to be interesting that anyone should be hurt
Sam Tate: and even though your argument was religious biased mine is equally biased the other way
Whitney Roberts: well maybe it was a mistake on the big guy's part. maybe he (if it is a he, assuming that we were made) made us to reflect his own culture (if, in fact, there is something like that up there), to improve it, but discovered that in trying to make it better, it made it worse
Whitney Roberts: what i just said doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's a slight possibility
Sam Tate: my uncle died @ age 17 from cancer. my dad was almost killed by robbers, another man i knew was shot to death
11:50 AM
Sam Tate: im just more pessimistic and i cant comprehend anyone
Sam Tate: "looking over" us with so much injustce
Whitney Roberts: i think you're just focusing on the negative things in life. with good comes bad, it's just how the way things are. if everything was good and wonderful, humanity would be dissatisfied, as sick as that is
Sam Tate: ok fine even if im just being a killjoy and such. explain the crusades
Sam Tate: or the muslims believing in the destruction of america
Whitney Roberts: well
Sam Tate: and im not dissing muslims. id be one if i were still in iran
Whitney Roberts: not all muslims believe in the destruction of america, that's an unfair generalization
Sam Tate: im not generalizing
Whitney Roberts: find categorization
Whitney Roberts: err
Whitney Roberts: find=fine
Sam Tate: the people who want to destroy america are muslims. i didnt say all msulims want to destroy america
Sam Tate: wow you sure are typing a lot
Whitney Roberts: i can't explain why some people want to destroy others. it's another factor in human nature that makes people want to be dominant. i admit it's strange that a God would create a world of suffering, but i guess i'm just the type of person who thinks of the wonderful things i've gotten to experience in my life. yes there's pain out around me, but there's nothing i can do but thank the powers that be that i'm where i am, and i'm aware of how selfish that sounds, but i don't know what else to say
Sam Tate: this is why id dint want to get into it. its an argument that cannot be won
Whitney Roberts: true
Whitney Roberts: it's interesting though
Sam Tate: yes i understand that people will injure maim and torture each other
Sam Tate: even with religion
Sam Tate: but im saying what about when it is in THE NAME of religion.
11:55 AM
Sam Tate: i dont even want to go on though. its not worth it
Whitney Roberts: i think with the crusades and the terrorists, they say that they're doing it in the name of religion, but that doesn't mean that what they thought was right was right. their perceptions are jumbled, and think that they are doing something right when in fact they are not
Whitney Roberts: i sound like a biggot (however that's spelled), but i'm not saying that what muslims believe is wrong, because that's not my place and i have no idea
Sam Tate: well im going to end with this: until the athiests start a war im sticking with my beliefs
Whitney Roberts: okay
Whitney Roberts: good for you
Sam Tate: i know a bit or two about muslims (my dad lived in iran for his childhood) and we do own a koran
Whitney Roberts: i'm not sure what a koran is (i'm a very sheltered child mind you)
Sam Tate: oh and you spelled biggot correctly
Whitney Roberts: lol phew thank goodness for that
Sam Tate: koran is to muslims as a bible is to christians
Sam Tate: its their holy book
Whitney Roberts: ah that's what i figured but i wasn't positive
Sam Tate: yeah
Sam Tate: and nowhere in it does it say to kill in the name of religion. thats a misperception and i guess an example of your theory that people take religion out of context
Whitney Roberts: yes
12:00 PM
Whitney Roberts: i don't know, i'm no theologist. i have never studied religion or it's context in our history. i just see what's laid out in front of me and i try to see from others' perspectives. i feel like a child when i discuss this with you because you have specific examples of why you believe what you do, and i just have faith and trust in what my heart tells me. that's sounds so lame, but i'm a lame person
Sam Tate: lol you arent lame
Sam Tate: just thinka bout it. im in ther minority so i constantly have to defend my position
Sam Tate: i have to think about stuff liek this
Whitney Roberts: just because it's the minority doesn't mean that it's wrong though
Sam Tate: if you were in my positions youd have just as much info as i did
Whitney Roberts: probablyu
Whitney Roberts: plus when i was younger religion wasn't really discussed
Sam Tate: and actually athiesm is the second largest religion in america
Whitney Roberts: everything that i've learned about religion i learned on my own
Sam Tate: there are 20 million of us
Whitney Roberts: neither of my parents are religious
Sam Tate: wow
Sam Tate: thats pretty intense
Whitney Roberts: what's intense?
Sam Tate: i dont know what to call it. "selfteaching" a religion i guess
Whitney Roberts: yeah
Whitney Roberts: i never went to church either
Whitney Roberts: i think maybe monday school for one year in second grade
Whitney Roberts: but i don't remember any of it

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Subject Author Date
Re: Why Religion is False.Caroline23:49:51 11/14/03 Fri

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