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Subject: Re: Now im loused/Last night I heard lepors/Flinch like birth defects/It's musk was fecal in origin.

Arya "The Persian (lets not get racial here)" Touserkani
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Date Posted: 23:39:25 11/16/03 Sun
In reply to: Adam "Replacement Friend" GT 's message, "Now im loused/Last night I heard lepors/Flinch like birth defects/It's musk was fecal in origin." on 12:33:47 11/16/03 Sun

hey adam,
i dont get how i make you sick. last time i checked the stuff you wrote was pretty sad to. give a joke, take a joke right? i guess not.

i didnt get much time to figure out who you are. If meeting us at the mall was such a hassle for 5 minutes and it made her mom give you a ride, I dont get why you were at the mall in the first place.

Id have to say that your comment about me being Persian was pretty sickening. If thats the way you look at the world then thats your problem.

Dont walk away from the forum. You start something then you should see it to the end. Its petty to post all about everything and then run away from the havoc. Take a step back and think about your joke from our point of view. It came from someone that we didnt even know, talking about childish things that arent even worth talking about. So maybe you can see that it pissed us off? If your whole post was a joke then how come you are so blind as to see that other people can joke too.

I dont understand how you can relate that you are friends with Caroline just as we are. It seems that you know better than that since you are a "nice guy" and all. We are not at all put off by the fact that you ate with her, but its good to know what really goes on when people that you used to know can just lie about things. Thanks for the info but if it was meant to make us feel bad then i think you need to find a better way.

Once again I have to add that some people get off by bending reality to favor them and if you can sit around saying my humor was immature i think you should look at what you wrote too. Maybe if your humor didnt come off so harsh to us, our humor wouldnt have come off so harsh to you. And just to add, "the junk" that was written to Caroline was not from me.

If Caroline REALLY didnt have the time to hang out with us, the nice thing to do would have been to just let us know, end of story. It sucks alot more to find out that a friend doesnt have the time to hang out with you when you see that they are hiding the fact that they could even possibly have the time. I dont care whether or not she had the time to hang out or she didnt want to make the time to hang out (specifically with me). Dont get angry at me for knowing things that I wasnt supposed to know. I didnt dig into things and find out, information was dropped on me.

This whole thing was started because things have been passed back and forth that shouldnt have been passed. All of the blame for hate towards Caroline has been put on me when I AM NOT THE PERSON WHO WROTE ANYTHING ON HERE ABOUT CAROLINE IN THE FIRST PLACE. The whole "freak" comment was directed to a fictional character that wrote a whole lot of immature crap to begin with. Ok great I did write that Something Corporate sucks but lets think about it a little and who gives a crap who listens to what, Its your life and you live it. People cannot be condemned for writing that they like a band and people cannot be condemned for their dislike of a band.

Thanks much for the post Adam it was a much needed reminder of the way things work.


P.S.-I'd like not for you to assume that this post was an attack. It was fair that you wrote your opinion and I value it just as much as my own opinion.

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