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Date Posted: 09:59:02 09/02/02 Mon
Author: Zakra Sabiha + Farhan
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Subject: A*l*e*r*t :| Describe
In reply to: S.t.o.v.a.t.i. - -Nasheeta- - 's message, "s.m.i.l.e." on 12:44:18 09/01/02 Sun

Tossing her mane -- unlike most foals' manes, it's not just fuzz but small, pearly locks of soft, curly hair -- Zakra pipes up, "Hi Daddy!" Then, suddenly, she looks off into the forest, and narrowing her bright blue 'wall-eyes', zooms in. A snake slithers along on the ground, a robin flies from tree to tree -- not what she's looking for. There! Up ahead..."Yo, heads up! Even dude twekkin' thwough!" she says suddenly, and finds her vision back with the rest of her.

Farhan looks at her sharply. "How do you know?"

She stares right back at him, and cocks her head in the equine equivalent of a shrug. "I just do." She knows that he would simply panic, thinking that the evil-dude is nearby, if she told him that she saw the blackblood.

"What did he look like?"

She zooms in again. "Big hornhead dude. dun't wook happy, dun't wook as if he's ever happy."

Farhan shakes his head. "Too vague. it could be anybody." Or nobody at all, he adds silently, privately doubting that his daughter actually saw anything.

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