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Date Posted: 15:16:07 09/11/02 Wed
Author: Heaven's Blazes
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Subject: ~*~Something Calls For Thee~*~
In reply to: Dirayat 's message, "<> Nod<>" on 17:11:41 09/04/02 Wed

Steed turns from donkey, seeing the creature wouldn't reply. His limbs carried him swiftly back to the group of the alliance members, as he again reached the top of the cliff where the rest remained he swore not to distract himself from his new main focus in his life. He saw the mates returning nodded lightly noting their return. He made his way into the small circle of equines he too, as River Heart was growing of impatients, and decided to speak his mind of moving onward, "I see we now have the last two back, tis time we Move! I suggest we make our journey by exiting this terrian by going through Wolf Forest, It dosn't seem very active and was claimed by a heavenly or redblood. Sangre de Cristo and Advani have been claimed by Skajira whose name we all know of, I'm sure I need not go farther in detail with those two terrians, and Sabteca seemes to just be a land created to make any wandering soul lose it's way."

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