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Date Posted: 14:28:09 06/18/02 Tue
Author: Midnight In Montgomery
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Subject: -> .snort.
In reply to: *Raya, Almase + Mulan 's message, "//Anger// *g o a f t e r . <--@reply" on 16:34:33 06/17/02 Mon

He snorted tossing his head,only sighing, "Mares...." He left his Star of Sin within one of the caves placed amoungst a large boulder, perhaps if they saw he had left his treasure they knew he would return. He took to the air unfolding his great wings, soaring off, there was family in need, his distant cousin and good friend Liberty was in need of help, he knew it for he could scence thing such as this, Liberty had told him that of the Spider, the blackblood stealing his mares, now he would assist Liberty in that of getting her back.He soared clearing the TT* easily hearing Mulan couldn't find Sombra he would be on the look out for the colt on his trip.

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