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Date Posted: 08:41:51 07/07/02 Sun
Author: Almase, Bayda, Dirayat, Mulan + *Raya
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Subject: * w a l k s a w a y . ¿Goafter• <> Follow <> <--@ Decision //Heartbroken//
In reply to: Midnight In Montgomery 's message, "->" on 14:51:46 07/06/02 Sat

Almase moves off, w'thout a word. There is something she must do.

Bayda moves off aft'r 'er, aft'r recieving a mental note t' do so.

Th' ghostlike mare explains to th' others: "We must find out if Silver Coppice is safe to meet in. We can't even take for granted that it will anymore." Then, Dirayat follows.

Mulan returns now, wordless. She 'as made 'er decision, and when th' three return, she must state 't.

*Raya glances at 'er daughter, 'nd her heart wrench's, 's she realizes what th' filla's decision is.

Th' three return. "It's not safe." Dirayat's voice is flat. "Fajera's there. We'll have to meet someplace else."

¿Right where we are seems good to me,• adds Bayda.

"And we should NOT split up. I already explained that," Almase says, frustrated.

"And now you've got one less reason not to," Mulan puts in sadly.

There is silence. *Raya stares at her daughter, dreading the words to come.

"I can't stay with you. I just can't. I'm a danger to the mission of silverbloods. I mean--" Her voice sounds slightly choked. "--I'm a blackblood. I don't want to be, but I am. Oh--I can't say it!"

*Raya understands. "You're afraid that the blackbloods can get at us through you." Her voice is flat.

Mulan nods. "I'm sorry, but--I just--"

*Raya stops her, stepping forth, nuzzling her, comforting her 's though she were a foal once more. A whisper 'n her daughter's ear: "I understand. I respect your decision, although I despise it. I love you, Mulan, and I know now that you need to work things out -- just like I did." She steps back. "Now go, and I hope you return someday."

Mulan looks at her mother. "I hope so too, Mommy," she says softly. Then, turning, she launches into th' air, soaring 'way. She 'as no wish t' break her mother's heart again, th' way her twin did so, but this is th' way 't must be. She exits th' terra.

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