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Date Posted: 17:49:28 07/29/02 Mon
Author: Heaven's Blazes
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Subject: *~Something Calls For Thee~*(entrance)

The ebonite steed stormed into the terrian, coming from Sangre de Cristo, this must be Mount Cameron, the slumpy mountain was that of ease to cross. He caught sight of the ghostly figure that had told him the words still echoing in his mind."You must finish your sire's deed, you must find the silver coppice horses, and join them in their battles." With an ear peircing scream the ghostly white horse disappeared. His optics searched for the once visable heavenly horse. He saw none but before him in this land he felt the pressants of that of some of the heavenly army, it ran through his silver veins. His bold and handsome body was lathered with a thick sweat, the liqiud trickled from his being and slid off his oynx hooves. The silver alicorn that spirled from his masculine head seemed to show of his blood. His powerful sides heaved with panting breaths, it had been a long journey, and now he was at the destination that destiny was leading him to and his faith had brought him hear. He stood silently for long minutes trying to calm his rushing heart. He then stepped forth, his bold limbs carried his being slowly to the mare who seemed to resemble the ghostly figure he had scene that ran with the wind, a name came to his mind yet he knew not how or why and he speekath to the femora, "Almase?... I have come here to finish a deed started by my sire, Heaven's Fury. I wish to become that of a member of the heavenly amry. For I am Heaven's Blazes, I have been sent here by destiny for something has called upon me to come, for thou's army is in my need."

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