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Date Posted: 17:54:33 08/27/02 Tue
Author: Midnight In Montgomery
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Subject: \\Burning Both Ends of The Night// (Awaiting Skajira, I gots somefin for ya)

Oynx steed came in pon' swift limbs which had carried him quickly at the amazing speed to find the steed dubbed Skajira in which he was in search of. His daggers slowed from their pounding speed as he slowly came to a halt knowing that Skajira shall soon return to this terrian, his mind searched and knew the felequine was in a terrian the he should never enter, he would await Skajira outside the darkness of the porthole to Hell. His silver slicorn clearly shown of his blood, yet he wished of no fight nor to bringth harm to the darkblooded one, but only to place him with the item in which was becoming of a bruden that a Lupine hath brought to him in telling him very specific directions in which to do with the simple golden treasure he possesed within his whites. He stood boldly pon the earth that remained beneth him, no fear ran through his veins though he had heard truth be spoken of Skajira's murder of another heavenly blooded. His ebony optics flickered back to await his alpha mare in which that was following him. Perhaps Skajira would return soon, so that he could return to important unspoken of buisness. He lowered his cranium slowly to fill his thirsting mouth with the shoots of emerald, and raised it again his ears pricked and alert waiting for the steed he was in search of.

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